
I agree. The switch to white was an interesting way to say that things are now backwards. Jacob is no longer in control. Esau is. Perhaps Jacob and Esau battle constantly with new people coming to the island. Now that Esau is in control, all the people that Jacob brought to the island will have to defeat Esau.

He touched all of them. Watch. Every last one.

Esau/Blackie is not the smoke monster or he would have known that Ben saw a smoke-apparition of his daughter.

I know there are often secondary usages of verbs but I believe servo servare is primarily "to save." Does anyone actually have a Latin book to reference?

Well at least I'm housebroken.

Thesis statement for LOST
I think we're at the point where we should start thinking about what the thesis statement is for LOST. What is the point that this story is supposed to tell us? Do the writers have some theme in mind or is this just petty melodrama? There is the science versus fate aspect along with the free

In later videos, Chang has a bum arm. I don't think the world ends after the nuke. I think Dharma goes about their lives. I wouldn't be surprised if the Losties all time-jump back to the present.

You're not wrong, Starboy, you're just an asshole.

Re-watching this show is seeming more and more like an awesome idea.

He was surprised that his mother shot him. His story is not over yet though.

Atlantis is not off the table.

Not a linear idea.

I think I might be a little let down if whatever happened happened. They're trying to change stuff but it always just seems like it's predestined. What point about fate are the writers trying to make with this show?

No babies on the Island
It's possible that the fertility problems on the island are caused by low level radiation from the decomposing warhead planted underneath the Dharma village.

Dead is dead, except when it isn't: Locke, Mikhail, Ben, Christian . . .

Good theory. Enough of the island was misery, but a son is joy enough to make it worth it.

I love you.

As if watching it on Bravo shouldn't put you on notice that you've lost your man-card?

She could throw her cat at me any day.