Foiled Again

Try traveling with a vegan.  I'm a vegetarian for about thirty years, but going cross-country with a vegan made me consider killing the individual and all like him.  Pain-in-the-neck goddam turd.  Jerky smart-mouth insults to waitresses and general uppity horseshit.  I don't eat anything with a face but this clown

Try traveling with a vegan.  I'm a vegetarian for about thirty years, but going cross-country with a vegan made me consider killing the individual and all like him.  Pain-in-the-neck goddam turd.  Jerky smart-mouth insults to waitresses and general uppity horseshit.  I don't eat anything with a face but this clown

Or WWl.

Or WWl.

Yeah, I forgot the Twain doc.  Magnificent.

Yeah, I forgot the Twain doc.  Magnificent.

The "New York City" doc was terrific, I'll give you that gladly. But "Empire Of The Air: The Men Who Made Radio" was exquisite. That was Ken. As was "The War". And "Lewis and Clark". And "Thomas Hart Benton". And "Frank Lloyd Wright". Boring they were not. And twelve hours on the creation of the National Parks

The "New York City" doc was terrific, I'll give you that gladly. But "Empire Of The Air: The Men Who Made Radio" was exquisite. That was Ken. As was "The War". And "Lewis and Clark". And "Thomas Hart Benton". And "Frank Lloyd Wright". Boring they were not. And twelve hours on the creation of the National Parks

Didn't do any favors for Bocephuses either.

Didn't do any favors for Bocephuses either.

Yes.  I recently read Timothy Egan's 'The Worst Hard Time", a chronicle of the Dust Bowl, and looked at PBS's 'Surviving The Dust Bowl" but look forward to the new Burns Dust Bowl doc as I think it'll expand on these two [excellent] pieces of work.

Yes.  I recently read Timothy Egan's 'The Worst Hard Time", a chronicle of the Dust Bowl, and looked at PBS's 'Surviving The Dust Bowl" but look forward to the new Burns Dust Bowl doc as I think it'll expand on these two [excellent] pieces of work.

Very nice work, re_trace.  Take a bow and have a donut.

Very nice work, re_trace.  Take a bow and have a donut.

Yes, Curve, and Medicine was mentioned above; both often overlooked, along with Band of Susans, Cell, Bailter Space, Straitjacket Fits and Th Faith Healers too. I always felt Live Skull were kinda progenitors of what is called 'Shoegaze'.

Yes, Curve, and Medicine was mentioned above; both often overlooked, along with Band of Susans, Cell, Bailter Space, Straitjacket Fits and Th Faith Healers too. I always felt Live Skull were kinda progenitors of what is called 'Shoegaze'.

You'll like this then-  late one night I got a phone call from Mike Ness.  It was on a point of graphics-  I do illustration-  and he called on the advice of a car guy friend we had in common.  Mike Ness is a car guy like me.

You'll like this then-  late one night I got a phone call from Mike Ness.  It was on a point of graphics-  I do illustration-  and he called on the advice of a car guy friend we had in common.  Mike Ness is a car guy like me.

Circa: Now! remains a high-water mark.  Love these guys.

Circa: Now! remains a high-water mark.  Love these guys.