Foiled Again

I read it in the 80s, when Byron Coley wrote for 'em.  There would be articles about Minutemen, Big Black, Scratch Acid, Naked Raygun and so forth.  It wasn't half bad.

Nope.  DDT's illegal.

Nope.  DDT's illegal.

Marfabulous, Marfatuous, Marfraudulent, Marfa-a-a-agh.  
Lotta folks split when real estate circled the bowl.  The former mayor Dave's a nice guy, though.

Marfabulous, Marfatuous, Marfraudulent, Marfa-a-a-agh.  
Lotta folks split when real estate circled the bowl.  The former mayor Dave's a nice guy, though.

Opening sequence, with the tumbleweed rolling along, in the background there is a little taco shack with a fellow lounging at the counter.  That's a friend of mine who did second-unit stuff with the Coens.  He lived in an old tumbledown house I owned and later bought the house.

Opening sequence, with the tumbleweed rolling along, in the background there is a little taco shack with a fellow lounging at the counter.  That's a friend of mine who did second-unit stuff with the Coens.  He lived in an old tumbledown house I owned and later bought the house.

That's very sweet, honestly.

That's very sweet, honestly.

Sugarland Express, completely solid fuckin' movie.  Still holds up very nicely.  Transcends the pantheon of 70s car-chase movies while providing a wide-angle snapshot of USA circa '73, and features Ben Johnson, a living got-damned legend.

Sugarland Express, completely solid fuckin' movie.  Still holds up very nicely.  Transcends the pantheon of 70s car-chase movies while providing a wide-angle snapshot of USA circa '73, and features Ben Johnson, a living got-damned legend.

Looks like something atop a Pinkerton gunsel, circa 1912.

Looks like something atop a Pinkerton gunsel, circa 1912.

….and the cuckoo-bananas photo of Nicholas Cage.

….and the cuckoo-bananas photo of Nicholas Cage.

I recall reading an account involving William Atherton walking by a school bus, whereupon its passengers in unison hollered, "Hey! Dickless!" and his being nonplussed.

I recall reading an account involving William Atherton walking by a school bus, whereupon its passengers in unison hollered, "Hey! Dickless!" and his being nonplussed.

Keep hoping I'll see on the AV club some mention of Basehead, or Goats, a couple of releases in the general time frame of the DeLaSoul and Beasties releases.

Keep hoping I'll see on the AV club some mention of Basehead, or Goats, a couple of releases in the general time frame of the DeLaSoul and Beasties releases.

Sponges hold more vodka than towels.