Foiled Again

Yeah, on the back cover of Atomizer, I think it was, some note to Dave Riley with his named circled and 'Bitch Magnet' referenced.

Yeah, on the back cover of Atomizer, I think it was, some note to Dave Riley with his named circled and 'Bitch Magnet' referenced.

She's yours.

She's yours.

Griffith Observatory's really swell and all, but I'll take Jim Stark's '49 Merc.

Griffith Observatory's really swell and all, but I'll take Jim Stark's '49 Merc.

I'm a newcomer-  been here 18 years.  I'm originally from a city up North.

I'm a newcomer-  been here 18 years.  I'm originally from a city up North.

Nawp, I'm over in Marathon.  Alpine's too big and citified for me.  I go there once a week for supplies and such.

Nawp, I'm over in Marathon.  Alpine's too big and citified for me.  I go there once a week for supplies and such.

Sonny Sharrock is my life's blood.  I carry one of his guitar picks in my wallet.

Sonny Sharrock is my life's blood.  I carry one of his guitar picks in my wallet.

I is going to find Paul.

I is going to find Paul.

I sit corrected-  it's too hot and humid to stand.

I sit corrected-  it's too hot and humid to stand.

Why not?  This is West Texas-  there's dead guys all over these parts.

Why not?  This is West Texas-  there's dead guys all over these parts.

Hipster tastes ocky, like cotton candy and headcheese.

Hipster tastes ocky, like cotton candy and headcheese.