
Streets of Rage 2: "Go Straight"
Get's stuck in my head but I don't mind. Yuzo Koshiro's whole SoR2 soundtrack is Sega chiptune perfection.

"You can't just have your characters announce how they feel. That makes me feel angry!"

Mark (thinking) How can I buy some time? Contract TB? But where from? No badgers… Try to get beaten up? I could say he's got a… fat head. Call him a jizz-cock? It's not actually an insult, all cocks are jizz-cocks really; a bit like calling him a piss-kidney…
Mark: "Well, you should be more careful you JIZZ-COCK!"

I take this disc to showrooms when I'm shopping for a new stereo. The sales-droids are always happy to let me "test the bass" with this track.

Well at the last couple of Morrissey shows I went to, he had the "Love Music, Hate Racism" folk set up a little stall next to the merch, where they were handing out badges and pamphlets and whatnot. Some people hear Morrissey's nostalgic fondness for a (romanticized) English past, and equate that with hating

Check out the creepy marks on the baby's forehead. Also, I had just bought this album off ye olde iTunes, when my computer's power supply crackled and died. Coincidence?..

My mates often use that "you can't knock it until you've seen it" argument. I say "I've never been kicked in the bollocks either, but I know it would be an unpleasant experience". My attitude to film adaptions of Moore's books is to treat them like the Bond movies, ie completely separate entities which can be enjoyed