
Don't forget Skye was labeled an 0-8-4 last season. While that's fairly open to a lot of possibilities, so far in practice it pretty much means "alien".

A wonderful write-up, as always. But I have to contradict you on one matter… the first of many lies for Walt was coming home from his impromptu medical examination and telling his wife that everything was fine, when he knew he had a terminal cancer diagnosis.

David, you just don't like this show, pass the assignment to someone else.

David, you hate this show and you're not paying close enough attention. Pass this assignment on to someone who will give it the fair and attentive eye it deserves.

Hank's hispanic DEA partner is Steve Gomez aka Gomie, yes.

good job AV Club, now Nick Reboot is invite only. 9_9

I have always loved this movie, when it came out I was just shy of 12 and I was totally jazzed for it and I still think it's excellent! I like the satire, the references, the cameos, and I love the misty-eyed idealism that magic has always been within the potential of film. Maybe some people think the gags are cheesy

Mr Sims I have to say I don't think you really got Scorch's character. You should listen more closely. One of the major themes in this episode is something a lot of people in real life are wrestling with, and that is one's raison d'etre. Chan Ho Yin wanted his life to have significance, and it was that desire which

I think I laughed once. I heard the Jew God joke setup and thought "ugh" but then the delivery actually made me laugh.

I think I laughed once. I heard the Jew God joke setup and thought "ugh" but then the delivery actually made me laugh.

House & Wilson: The Movie, covering their adventures and Wilson's passing, ending on a hopeful note, showing House is trying to continue to live. I know I'd cry.

House & Wilson: The Movie, covering their adventures and Wilson's passing, ending on a hopeful note, showing House is trying to continue to live. I know I'd cry.

oh, I get it. Because everyone died in the finale of the Blackadder tv series (not counting the special)

oh, I get it. Because everyone died in the finale of the Blackadder tv series (not counting the special)

jasonlund, The POTW OD'd

jasonlund, The POTW OD'd

I don't think House planned on faking his death. I think he just went to shoot heroin with this guy. I liked the episode much more than you. Perhaps I am easily manipulated, but I have to wonder what the final episode that would've pleased you would look like. Did you want to see Wilson die? I thought the episode

I don't think House planned on faking his death. I think he just went to shoot heroin with this guy. I liked the episode much more than you. Perhaps I am easily manipulated, but I have to wonder what the final episode that would've pleased you would look like. Did you want to see Wilson die? I thought the episode

Drunk Battleship is a thing. It's called BattleShots. House and Wilson were so great in this episode. Solid review.

I agree with Todd about Buffy. Definitely as the series wore on into the late seasons. I think it's only partly Gellar's fault (for caring a lot less on some days) but also partly just how the character is written. Buffy can be awfully self-involved and melodramatic. She also shines at times. "Earshot"  was a really