
didn't they have to cut her clothes off before she moved? or was that just a joke?

it's great that Gary had that brief moment with the veep (tripping balls).

Are you gonna bad touch me now? (Do I know you? Honey, do we know him?)

once a bad guy, always a bad guy.

why are you screaming?

Oh daddy daddy, you're my daddy!

that's good soup!

are we counting gorilla children?


the question i always wonder is when did Jen sit for the "princess of hearts" photo. Maybe it's something all Renholm Industries employees have to do.

wouldn't it be 'cupped'

See ya Small Paul!

We find out next season that Denholm was very proud of his IT department. "a  dynamic go getter, a genius, and a man from Ireland."

Mum?! Oh… no… I'm sorry. It's just that you look exactly like my mother. But don't be offended by that… she's a very sexy woman. Not that… I would want to have sex with her. I know that's what you psychiatrists think!  But i swear to God there's nothing to it in my case. My mother wouldn't stand for any of that kind

"I'm talking to you! don't you dare ignore me!"

One time a client cut my wife's breast. Oh yeah? Lee Garner Jr made me hold his balls!

I'd listen to the cyclops.

Nixon's not coming back with the smokes!

God I miss Jen. She reminded me of me at her age. I mean, when I was her age she reminded me of her age…  She reminded me of my age at her age… When I was her age she was reminded of me?