what specifically do you do for him?
what specifically do you do for him?
chloe did a nice job when she called danny's features "androgynous"
Pete is the way he is, because he was raised by wolves.
its definitely a weird line. My special lady friend asked me "what did he say?" Im not entirely sure and I've seen it twice. The Oxford English Dictionary defines "to Bob Benson" as a verb to carry extra cups of coffee and blatantly kiss butt.
i thought Bob said he would bother her all the way out. altho your interpretation is funny too.
and when the show started they were beholden to cancer sticks. whether the product is good or not, the ad dollars are still green.
Don's a whore child… aintcha heard?
Both have awesome facial hair right now. Ginsberg is a scene-stealer. He will either make it awkward or point out how others are making it awkward. Also we can all agree that Stan made the Coffee Chief sign. It's hilarious if you smoke a dozen joints a day.
nothing gets those ladies in a romantical mood better than a cyst
those aren't pillows!
yup, i also said it during the episode, "this is how don breaks up"
"it's a business of sadists and maschoists and you know which one you are." Ida Blankenship
I can too sit here and cry!
well they are 3rd cousins so it's probably for the best
Damn the Simpsons used to be awesome.
great point and i think if Herb wanted to get the guy a job as a copy writer, that would be something Don would probably make happen. But Don didn't work at the fur store while also writing copy for the old SC.
Pete's all like wait i'm gonna get pity sex? Alright!
I love the look Pete Campbell shoots his father in law as he's leaving his lair. "You'll do the right thing." says the FIL. Pete's look is skepticism and confusion. "That doesn't sound like me."
its gonna be a while before trudy gets that image out of her head
and then i do the strip tease.