I was saying Boo-urns

Stay out of my territory.

I went to a whore, she said my life's a bore, so quit my whining, cause it's bringing her down.

I went to a whore, she said my life's a bore, so quit my whining, cause it's bringing her down.

How hard would all of you have laughed if somebody told you last year that the next season of Game of Thrones would revolve around trying to kidnap a white walker to persuade Cersei to help out? Like, we all agree that that's a really dumb idea, right?

How hard would all of you have laughed if somebody told you last year that the next season of Game of Thrones would revolve around trying to kidnap a white walker to persuade Cersei to help out? Like, we all agree that that's a really dumb idea, right?

I once really botched the exchange rate when I was in Costa Rica (where tipping isn't even customary) and ended up tipping like 100%. Dude was an ok waiter, but Jesus Christ, that was an expensive meal.

I once really botched the exchange rate when I was in Costa Rica (where tipping isn't even customary) and ended up tipping like 100%. Dude was an ok waiter, but Jesus Christ, that was an expensive meal.

I once really botched the exchange rate when I was in Costa Rica (where tipping isn't even customary) and ended up tipping like 100%. Dude was an ok waiter, but Jesus Christ, that was an expensive meal.

Anybody remember those old commercials for Palmer's All Fruit, where a bunch of snooty people are sitting around a table asking for the Palmer's All Fruit, and then some redneck dude shouts out "Would you please pass the jelly?" and everybody gasps? Anyway, to this day, I quote that dude whenever I need jelly.

Anybody remember those old commercials for Palmer's All Fruit, where a bunch of snooty people are sitting around a table asking for the Palmer's All Fruit, and then some redneck dude shouts out "Would you please pass the jelly?" and everybody gasps? Anyway, to this day, I quote that dude whenever I need jelly.

Spoiler: We were never the cool kids.

Spoiler: We were never the cool kids.

I've never wanted to risk his disapproval before, but downvotes are about to become meaningless, so here it goes.

I've never wanted to risk his disapproval before, but downvotes are about to become meaningless, so here it goes.

And I feel like it must have been a very one-sided friendship. Like, did Scarface ever ask the gun what it wanted to do?

And I feel like it must have been a very one-sided friendship. Like, did Scarface ever ask the gun what it wanted to do?

I feel like all of the other pilots at the end of Independence Day were too dismissive of Randy Quaid's character when he volunteers to fight to payback the aliens for abducting him. Everybody kind of rolls your eyes, but they all know aliens exist at that point. Maybe you should take this guy seriously?

I feel like all of the other pilots at the end of Independence Day were too dismissive of Randy Quaid's character when he volunteers to fight to payback the aliens for abducting him. Everybody kind of rolls your eyes, but they all know aliens exist at that point. Maybe you should take this guy seriously?

I was going to properly put "good luck" in quotes, but I saw one person typing and knew that might make the difference.

I was going to properly put "good luck" in quotes, but I saw one person typing and knew that might make the difference.