I was going to properly put "good luck" in quotes, but I saw one person typing and knew that might make the difference.
I was going to properly put "good luck" in quotes, but I saw one person typing and knew that might make the difference.
I don't recall saying good luck.
I don't recall saying good luck.
I don't recall saying good luck.
You know those guitars that are like, double guitars?
You know those guitars that are like, double guitars?
The reason they didn't just ride the eagles into Mordor is because that would have tipped Sauron off to their intent to destroy the ring. There would have been 9 nazgul in the air, waiting to destroy them as soon as they got near Mt. Doom.
The reason they didn't just ride the eagles into Mordor is because that would have tipped Sauron off to their intent to destroy the ring. There would have been 9 nazgul in the air, waiting to destroy them as soon as they got near Mt. Doom.
In the Might Ducks 2, how come all of the players from Gordon Bombay's original peewee team just automatically qualify for Team USA? Shouldn't they have had to try out just like everybody else?
In the Might Ducks 2, how come all of the players from Gordon Bombay's original peewee team just automatically qualify for Team USA? Shouldn't they have had to try out just like everybody else?
It always seemed a little weird to me that "moose" doesn't have a proper plural form in English. They're fucking enormous. I feel like I would want to know if there was more than one, in any given situation involving a moose.
It always seemed a little weird to me that "moose" doesn't have a proper plural form in English. They're fucking enormous. I feel like I would want to know if there was more than one, in any given situation involving a moose.
If you scroll through all the comments on some really old TV Club reviews, you'll occasionally stumble upon a dedicated, if overlooked gimmick account posting "Last!" on articles that haven't gotten comments for years. Whoever you are, "Last" person, I appreciate the effort you put into this.
I was Saying Boo-urns, 1735 comments, 12,637 upvotes.
All of our nation's top scientists should get to work on genetically engineering a chicken with about 10 wings or so. Cancer schmancer. This is important.
In 5th grade, we all had to write a report on a state. I got assigned Illinois. We all had to write to the state government asking for information. Everybody else got all these fancy brochures and other cool things. I never got a goddamn thing. From what I've subsequently learned about Illinois, I probably should…
I had the misfortune of visiting the Grand Canyon on a rainy day. The fog was so intense that you could barely see more than 20 feet in front of you or so. I'm still not 100% convinced that the Grand Canyon is a real thing.
It was totally me. All of you that appreciate this comment can just upvote this one, rather than going back to upvote the original one, which I definitely wrote.
Voters absolutely blamed the Republicans, and for a brief time, Democrats took a decent lead in the generic congressional poll. However, right after the shutdown wrapped up, the initial healthcare.gov debacle occurred and the Dems lost whatever goodwill they managed to build up during the shutdown.
That's what annoys me so much about all the hands free/bluetooth devices out there. Used to be you could tell a person was crazy if they were walking down the street talking to themselves. Now you first thought is they're talking on the phone.