Is this a good time to smugly note that I never upgraded to a smart phone and don't have to worry about this? Too bad, because I'm doing it anyway.
Is this a good time to smugly note that I never upgraded to a smart phone and don't have to worry about this? Too bad, because I'm doing it anyway.
Which one does everybody think would take longer? Making these, or reading a GRRM passage describing them?
I used to work in a hospital cafeteria with this old Hungarian man. His father spent some time in a Nazi POW camp during WWII, and absolutely insisted that nobody in his family ever waste any food as a result. This guy used to take home entire trays of unsold food every night. Far more than any person could…
I don't know what you mean, but it has the cadence of a joke.
Goddammit. Use the spoiler tag next time.
Carl Smith!? Whatareyoudoinghere?
Surprised to see a few clips from the "Californians" recurring sketch. I wasn't aware that those sketches ever caused another human being to laugh.
I'm 33 years old and haven't been in school since 2005, yet "Back to School" ads still fill me with a sense of dread.
Rodney King? What's that supposed to mean?
My sister and I watched that movie at least a dozen times one summer when we were spending a week and my Grandmother's house.
I've got "US Politics (Moderate)", and when you click on the icon, it brings up a blank pages that says "We don't have examples of this kind of ad to show you right now."
This comment deserved a lot more love…
"I wasn't really convinced after listening to their arguments, but then they hacked one of their outspoken critics and posted all of her personal information online, and I'm starting to come around to their point of view." -Nobody
Is her name at least based on the novel, "Push", by Sapphire?
I would imagine that they would view any sort of device that stabilized the tower while it was being built as disqualifying, since that would remove the most difficult part of building it from the equation. I could be wrong, but from everything I've heard about the process, Guinness takes things far more seriously…
I believe for most things like this, the Guinness people are there to observe the entire process from start to finish to prevent against this sort of chicanery. Failure to do so would make a mockery of all those that struggled and sacrificed so much to bring us the Domino towers we demand as a society.
Hey, did you guys hear about how Kentucky Fried Chicken had to change their name to KFC because they couldn't legally call what they sold, chicken? Crazy, right?
Sometimes I get so lost in the comments that I start missing who is saying what. Then I come across your tagline, and I'm like Lucille Bluth when she sees Gene Parmesan. Don't ever change again, Spidey.
I always assumed it was just a perspective thing and it was actually
really spacious. I'm feeling better about keeping my head as low as it
could possibly go now.
I know logically in my head that the darkness is distorting my perspective and those support beams are in no danger of lopping off my head, but holy fucking shit, that thing is terrifying.