I was saying Boo-urns

Some of us are still preserving the legacy. By some of us, I mean my Mom, who still hangs on to all my old Star Wars books, despite two moves and my repeated insistence that she can just sell/donate them. I really can't imagine a scenario where I'd willingly want to revisit Darksaber.

"We're cool, right?" - Commencement speech at Morgendorffer's gradutation

I was really fortunate to have a history teacher that was really into challenging the status quo. We learned about this stuff pretty extensively. What I can't understand is that there are people in 2016 who still defend the existence of these camps. It seems that for some, hindsight is not 20/20.

1 for 2 comment/username synergy.

You're looking into the dreamy eyes of James K. Polk. He has the distinction of only needing one term to launch a war against a neighboring country.

The alkaline diet people are the worst. The funny part is that if the "science" behind the diet actually worked, it would kill you outright, as our blood can't really handle shifts in our PH balance. The same people recommending the alkaline diet will also tell you to load up on apple cider vinegar, which is an acid

I watched it. Spoiler alert: It's painful from start to finish.

And miss a chance to get knocked up in high school and turn your life into a Springsteen song? I don't think so.

"Always" was chosen by my classmates as our Senior Prom song. Six years after it was released. Why yes, I did go to high school in New Jersey, why do you ask?

I think it was /playerX with X being a number 1 (easiest) through 8 (hardest)or something along those lines.

I feel that this isn't technically cheating per se, but Diablo II had a code that could give you the boost in experience gain that you get from a multiplayer game in single player mode. I maintain that it's not cheating because the increase in experience has a corresponding increase in difficulty. It'll save tons of

But then you can never get that 100% completed stat. If you're a mildly OCD completist and you decide to see what it would be like with one of the cheats just once, that 99% will be there, mocking you, until the end of time.

Next time you send out invitations, don't forget the Moleman family. We would have been all over that. I'd love it if we had friends that were into cooking a bit. At the last party we went to, they served dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and hot dogs (It was a child's birthday, but still…)

However, lots of people with disposable income believe that they are real. Convince them that all your fancy lasers and backpacks actually do something, stick a tiny disclaimer on your ads saying "Busting for entertainment purposes only" and you're all set.

*Tweets long form essay via Storify about how Tayne Crentist's dismissal of Twitter complaints is problematic*

Solidarity upvote, it's a terrible thing to go through.

That's not how minor disagreements on the internet work. One of us has to be worse than Hitler.

In the past few months, we've been forced to confront the undeniable reality that my 12 year old dog's health is rapidly deteriorating, and among other issues, she appears to have lost her hearing.

Worst fireworks: Those loud little white ones. If you're going to be that loud, you need the visuals to back it up.

I feel like everybody needs at least one person in their life that will call them out on their bullshit.