I was saying Boo-urns

Since he wasn't dead for very long, and the conspirators probably weren't announcing it from the rooftops after they killed Jon Snow, I'd be great if Jon Snow had to spend all of his time explaining how he wasn't technically bound by his oath anymore to avoid getting executed as a deserter.

Looking at the organization, it's not even clear to me that it's even made up of police officers. It claims to represent the interests of TX law enforcement, but anybody can join.

I don't even have words to express how profoundly uncomfortable I was the first and only time I went to one.

*Likes and comments on every single status update and picture you've posted for the past 3 years*

*posts passive aggressive meme stating that when I die, you'll wish you had called me more*

I hope seeing poor annabelle's post about her sensitive wrists gives Jesus saves I $Spend some much needed perspective on tragedy.

Don't kids still go to carnivals, though? Wristband night gets you unlimited rides! They should know better.

True Story: Back in my dial-up, AOL days, to fulfill my goal of being the absolutely most stereotypical nerd I could be, I used to have a Han Solo + a bunch of numbers screenname. I was hanging out in some chat room, and I get an unsolicited IM that says "It's good to see a familiar face in here!".

The Caps have certainly given up more than their share of 3-1 series leads. They're due to have one come their way. That's how this works, right?

In other news, there's a grown adult who willingly identifies themselves as a magic historian.

Anybody that calls out those awful grief vampires is alright in my book.

I upvoted your comment, so I get a little bit of that fame as well.

Ha! What will those nerds think of next?

Could be. I haven't been able to revisit either food. Also, it seems very fitting that Arby's is such an expert in food poisoning.

Especially with that last cat dressed as Yoda. It does not appear to be amused.

They're going to do that thing where they ironically invest way too much time and energy in a seemingly simple subject, and then everybody pretends to get all passionate about it until they run a one-note joke into the ground. It's basically my personal hashtag.

I've finally come around to NC-style barbecue and embraced the vinegar taste, but coleslaw is still a bridge too far for me. I got some nasty food poisoning as a kid, and even though I know it was the clams I ordered from a questionable diner, and not the side of coleslaw that did it, I still developed a really

Looking at their Facebook page, they started off strong with 3 reviews in a single day. They've only had 4 new reviews in the 2 weeks or so since, and posts about how popular they're getting outnumber actual coleslaw reviews. They've officially gone too mainstream. They used to be about the coleslaw.

I feel like you can't understate the psychological causes of weight gain too. I'd bet that a lot of the contestants were deeply unhappy with their lives and assume that their weight was causing their unhappiness. However, once they lose the weight, they realized that it was actually their unhappiness was actually

The armor adds 10 pounds.