I was saying Boo-urns

Some friends asked Mrs. Moleman and I to pick up some odds and ends for them while we were at the store. We buy all their stuff, and then they don't say a word about reimbursing us. It only ended up being about $20, but come on, why do you have to make this awkward for all of us?

But do you really want Putter growing up in a world where garbage like this goes unchallenged?

They certainly generate a lot of conversations. Awful, lose-your-faith-in-humanity-type conversations, but conversions, nonetheless.

I still find that there's some variation between sizes, even when using inches. It's like the kids in Bangladesh have no pride in their work anymore.

So I've been using all caps for all these years for nothing?

And pay those baggage fees? Are you insane?

And airplanes too. We've had people make very loud and conspicuous comments about how we shouldn't be flying. (Sorry Grandma, you can't meet your grandchild for the first time because a stranger would be inconvenienced on a 60 minute flight.)

Here's some advice from a seasoned expert: Break your tour up over a couple of days. You'll never get to see everything if you try to cram it all into one day.

And to this day, we still haven't found a better way to keep the hot side hot and the cool side cool.

Don't even joke about that. All I saw was "Springsteen" and my heart skipped a beat.

*hides application to serve as poll worker this November*

Oh man, dream me gets busted so often on this. He really should be more discrete.

That's not true at all. Based on some internet research I've conducted, posts written by cats have poor spelling and syntax, but are otherwise understandable.

You've gone mad with power!

The marital strife those two try to exploit for bragging rights is still real, though, right?

Cartoon animals talking = fine, no problem at all.
Live Action (or CGIed to look that way) animals talking = too absurd to enjoy.

Excellent point, I did not add HBO subscriptions to the cable packages when I recalculated. Smugness at my savings = restored.

CBS All Access is probably the worst streaming service out there. If you're going to do it all alone, you've got to get it right. They don't just queue up the next episode of the last show you watched. If you want to watch old episodes of a show, you have to find the show, scroll backwards through all of the

"N" has surprisingly few animals that children would recognize. You're basically stuck with newt.

No, not by a long shot. I just cut the chord, so you better believe I worked it all out via spreadsheets. Over a 2 year period, which is the standard contract from a cable company, I saved over $2,800 from the best deal my existing cable provider could offer, and almost $1,000 from the best deal for new customers a