I was saying Boo-urns

No, in fairness, it was on the grounds of the actual Capitol while we were both doing the obligatory taking our out-of-town relatives to see the sights. I rarely get down to the Hill area (or even know Congress is in session), but I do remember Tortilla Coast having good nachos.

That definitely sounds about right for DC.

What's your least favorite kind of DC person? Mine are Hill staffers.

She should be upset with you. She was living in paradise until you forced her to eat from the "Arms of an Angel" Tree of Knowledge. There's no going back for her now.

Guys! I just thought of this awesome joke! The only thing women are good at busting are…(wait for it)…BALLS! Am I right? *Holds up hand for high-five*

What if, and everybody bear with me on this one, it can be three things?

Mine would occasionally stand up in bed and just point at a corner in her room. Definitely freaky stuff.

For me, it's Space Mountain. I know in my head that it's perfectly safe, but there's something about the darkness and the just barely visible infrastructure of the roller coaster that always makes me feel like my head is going to get lopped off by a steel girder.

I think the shift into debunking stupid chain emails and Facebook memes is for the better, though. There's a never-ending supply and they're tethered enough to reality to be falsifiable. I can remember reading the site back in the early 2000s, and almost every entry was, "Well we can't definitively say that nobody

Fun Fact: Dr. Phil's trial consultation service was called Courtroom Sciences Inc. or CSI for short. If this isn't called CSI: Dr. Phil, CBS really missed an opportunity.

Were there a lot of comical misunderstandings that could have been immediately cleared up with a simple conversation? If so, did everybody learn their lesson at the end, only to repeat the same thing a week later?

Never understood why people do that. Here's another for you:

Good luck! My wife went into labor while we were driving to the hospital for her induction, so we got the certainty of a date without having to go through the actual induction.

The actual Nobel Prize organization doesn't release the names of valid, accepted nominees for 50 years. It's possible a qualified person nominated him*, but individuals claiming to be prize nominees are usually just jumping at an opportunity for self-promotion.

I'm also bummed that Amelie is using her undisputed role as site tastemaker for crass cross-promotion.

When I was growing up, the Spice Channel was some normal channel until 9:00pm. Some days, if you were lucky, the scrambling didn't actually kick in right after they made the transition. You'd have a few, glorious, unblocked seconds. Of course, there was never any actual T&A during those seconds, but the hope never

Same here. I figured it was essentially a martial arts film for jocks.

Yeah, that's right! *high fives Sgt. Schlomo*
