I was saying Boo-urns

Last year was the first time ever that I skipped the Super Bowl. My daughter was about 5 days old at that point and trying to get a tiny bit of sleep was a lot more enticing that staying up and watching the game. I was surprised at how little I missed it, and how easy it was to get caught up on the important parts

I think two people calling the game as part of a promotion for Squarespace pushes it out of the journalism category.


Weird, I would have figured that institutional biases and disenfranchisement were relatively recent developments.

"Law & Order: Only the Boring Parts" didn't test as well with focus groups.

This guy's saying what we're all thinking!

Maybe Russell Wilson secretly runs the "descriptive writing" Wordpress blog. Ever think of that, JumpingToConclusionsTorgo?

You know, it's a lot less fun when you get all positive like this.

I've eaten at Olive Garden many times over the years and found it to be adequate.

This reminds me of a story my sister tells about one summer she spent in Sedona, AZ in a science education program. They have all these alleged "vortexes" out there that are supposed to produce specific emotions or feelings, and the hippie types out there really buy into it.

Very lame. Here I was thinking that those two assholes were actually exploiting a couple's marital strife/pressuring them into a huge financial decision for meaningless bragging rights.

Do they still show Property virgins? That one used to get pretty brutal. Lots of lost bidding wars, failed inspections, finances not coming through, etc. Probably not as good for escapism purposes, though.

I also love that the harsh realities of real estate are never reflected. You never see the episode where they choose house #2, get outbid and miss their chance to put an offer in on Houses 1 and 3.

I think they said that they'd give consideration for partial answers (i.e. you're probably out of luck.) In a perfect example of why I really have no business being on the show, there were a lot of questions that I knew but had a total brain-fart when I was trying to come up with the answer. The Andy Warhol one in

The highlight of my 5th grade existence was watching whatever the hell normal channel it was that switched over to the Spice channel at 9:00pm. Some days, if you were really lucky, the scrambling wouldn't kick in right away and you'd get seconds of potential T&A. Seconds!!

You'll need to figure out from what direction, and how far away the stations you want are broadcasting from. Here's the best website for that:

I had a British English teacher my junior year in high school, and this was a very big deal for her. If you ever pronounced it the proper Spanish way, you could expect a lecture.

Yeah, all those deaths were tragic and blah, blah, blah, but all I heard from this was that my unopened real black widow-version just became a lot more of a collector's item!

Upvotes should always make you feel good. Now I know that there are some on here that'll drone on and on about how they'd rather engage people in meaningful conversation than get upvotes, but that's just loser-talk people for people with low upvote ratios.