I was saying Boo-urns

The way Jeremy and Tasha were lumping Wentworth in with Abi and Keith when they were trying to get Spencer on board makes me think that the players have less respect for her game than the viewers do.

I feel like Cheerios always has the steepest drop in quality between the name brand and the store brand equivalent. It's the only kind of cereal I just can't get cheap with.

For reasons that I could never fully understand or articulate, Cocoa Krispies were just so much better than Cocoa Pebbles.

I always got the books highlighted by somebody who clearly had no filter. There would be about 3 words on the page that weren't highlighted.

Plus, it doesn't matter if hippos are vegetarians. They will still maul the shit out of you if you get near them, kid.

Don't try to look it up, and don't listen to anybody who tries to explain it to you. You're living a life the rest of us can only dream of, and you'll never be able to go back if you sully yourself with knowledge of Christmas Shoes.

The "wife/cousin" part makes me suspect a joke. Poe's law is a real bitch, sometimes.

I guess they assume that not only was everybody loaded (on a public school teacher salary), but they had no friends or loved ones they'd rather be exchanging gifts with.

They really are terrible. My wife's old office used to do them, where you had to get one new gift for the person each day for a week. There's was a $25 combined maximum, but nobody stuck to it. The first year she did it, she got a $30 gift card on the very first day and had to scramble to make the gifts she bought

Note to employees: If your boss (politely) tells you that your presentation is so far off the mark that he can't even start editing it, and he gives you a list of five major changes you need to make, that doesn't mean rearrange a few words and then resubmit the same damn thing again.

It's only December 9th. I still have time to make the cut!

My wife is an unabashed lover of trashy TV (TLC can't make a show that she won't stick with for at least a season), and I wouldn't have it any other way.

One of the few redeeming things about Facebook is that it allows you to see just how bad your life would have been if your high school-era romantic aspirations had come true.

Come on, it was Jesse's breakdown after getting addicted to caffeine pills, and you know it.

You know, it's just that people like this… you know… they get all
they want so they really don't understand, you know… about a life like
Frank's. I mean, when you've loved and lost the way Frank has, then
you you know what life's about.

I had explained my situation on another website, and the commenters all agreed that he was basically playing a game of chicken with me and I blinked first. Consensus was that if I agreed to go through with the cancellation, they'd call me up right before my service appointment and offer me the lowest rate, rather

Had the exact same experience with Verizon a few years ago. I had heard that if you threaten to cancel, they'll give you the new customer rate. I tried that and the rep totally called my bluff. Asked when I wanted to set up my appointment for their reps to come and disconnect the service and I had to awkwardly walk

Mrs. Moleman and I are finally out of our 2-year Verizon contract this Thursday, so I've been crunching numbers for a little while. If you add Sling TV to the mix, you can pretty much cover any conceivable channel a normal human being would want to watch (Give or take an HBONow). If you include a digital antenna to

I know a way J. Barthel could have gotten free shipping on that book. Of course, if I told him, I'd probably be talking myself out of a sale.