I was saying Boo-urns

I feel like a "Hands on a hard body" competition has far too much potential to waste on something as boring as winning a truck.

This is my favorite dichotomy between an "experts" poll and a readers poll:

What kind of fries are we talking about here? If they're curly fries, all bets are off.

I keep that one on my resume!

Thanks. So Dawes was essentially the "Mulaney" of 2011?

You don't understand the Dawes stuff either? I thought I was the only one.

We're not allowed to make the same joke more than once? Damn, I think I'll have to return some of my upvotes.

"Oh shit, we just dropped a bunch of old tires and dead skunks into the beer."

Quit your idiot-shaming!

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

While we're on the subject of lawns, could we all come to an agreement that weeds are obviously superior plants, evolution-wise, than grass, and we should all stop fighting nature's plan so damn much?

Cut boomers some slack. After all, they didn't start the fire. It's been burning since the world's been turning.

I used to sit near a couple of older guys at work, around 2010 or so, and they somehow managed to steer their conversations to the co-ed shower scene in this movie about once a month.

You can't see it, but I'm giving you the evil eye, Mr. "sleep for 9 hours, but too tired in the morning".

Rob, makin' copies, of other shows' premises and story-lines.

Not only can you afford it, but you can also take the time to enjoy your meal without worrying about those little ticking time-bombs of bad behavior. All I know is that when we go out to dinner, everybody better fucking be ready to order when the server gets to our table or I'm ordering for you.

Really? Back when I was in high school, I used to just get them all the time. Usually at inopportune moments that maximized the potential for embarrassment.

Don't get me wrong, I had a wonderful time, but my Mom was raised in an Irish-American household that definitely lived up to all the stereotypes about Irish cooking. (Her Grandmother reportedly would reportedly boil pasta for over an hour the few times she decided to branch out and try cooking something "ethnic".) I…

I'd say that the racial subtext bordered on text at times.

One of my duties as head-of-household is to nominate two people for eviction…