I was saying Boo-urns

I'm in the same position. I can't imagine how badly I'd screw things up if I tried to do some work.


First, I'd like to thank you, the staff, and the other commentators for everything you
do. This is a really special place, and the mix of thoughtfulness, respect and humor that you see here seems pretty unique on the internet.

Alex McCown is an alias, but it's actually for Sarah Michelle Gellar (and I absolutely refuse to believe otherwise.)

In all fairness, it's probably just an average, garden-variety bear skull that we've all seen thousands of times before.

I'm sure Guillermo Del Toro could make some truly terrifying heffalumps and woozles.

We're a Fluttershy household.

Some people are just really into flashlights. I once had this contractor working on my house and he had to check out something behind some drywall. I offered to grab a flashlight so he could see better…big mistake. I had unknowingly gotten myself into a flashlight brightness contest. I lost bad. My puny

I, for one, love my flesh..wait, you said flashlight? Yeah, those are pretty good too.

Goddamnit, it's the X-Wing and everybody knows it's the X-wing. What kind of stunt are you trying to pull here, AV Club?

Wait, so all those years I spent lurking as a guest, you guys all thought I was an insufferable prick? I'll have you know that some people consider me quite sufferable, thank you very much.

My wife, who has never seen Star Wars, once came in the room while the Jedi Rocks portion of Return of the Jedi was on. I would have been less embarrassed if she had caught me watching porn.

I am not looking forward to child molester week.

Also, wasn't the guy who used the Twinkie defense on trial for assassinating Harvey Milk? I thought it was not really the jury seriously buying it as a legitimate excuse and more about finding some way to go easy on the guy based on their dislike of openly gay people.

The new format is back for me. I'll always treasure those few glorious moments I was able to read the comments about the halfway decent parts of the EU that we lost.

Pseudo-science is a kind of science, right?

Upvoted for the best onomatopoeia I've ever seen.

Same here. I, for one, had some very insightful and important thoughts on the subject of a tauntaun vs. an AT-AT for harsh mid-western winters, and now the world will never get to hear them.

Upvoted to help reverse the trend, not to express agreement that you should go on hiatus.

"What is Aleve" was always going to be my go-to response in the event that I was on Jeopardy and had no clue on the FJ. Thanks a lot, Alex. Now I'm going to have to concoct a new silly response for my hypothetical Jeopardy appearance.