I was saying Boo-urns

I'd say it actually benefits the most from a reread. Not knowing about the structure of the book, I must have spent the first 300-400 pages thinking, "ok, this next chapter has got to be a Tyrion one."

The English language can not fully capture the depth and complexity of
my thoughts, so I’m incorporating emojis into my speech to better
express myself. Winky face.

I don't know if I can suspend disbelief long enough to buy that a man would become romantically involved with somebody only 26 years his junior.

The whole thing feels kind of trite. I say we forget it.

Calm down everybody. Say it with me, "Three, two, one, one, two, three, what the heck is bothering me."

I'll admit that there are definitely some weaknesses in Return of the Jedi (and good God, the remastered musical number at Jabba's is unwatchable), but skipping it entirely seems a bit excessive. At least it provides some closure.

Didn't they kill off Madine in that one too? He definitely deserved a better way to go out.

My first thought was that they were breaking up the major characters into multiple packages, so you'd have to buy them all, particularly with the two generic TIE fighter pilot/stormtrooper ones included. But I haven't actually been able to find other packages like that to verify this.

It never left. They can pry my expanded universe from my cold, dead hands.

Some kid used to slap me and the other easily bullied kids in the head and say "Homey don't play that." when I was growing up. It wasn't until a few years later, when I caught an old rerun of In Living Color on TV, that I realized that he was making a reference, and not just a weird asshole.

I think the exact reason for the fight isn't really relevant. (If I recall, they show the son's wife as Kevin sees them arriving at his house at the end.) The important part is that an elderly man is inspired by an 8-yeay old's tale of overcoming his fear of a furnace to finally reconnect with his son.

Look what you did, you little jerk!

Too bad AC ain't in charge no more.

Here's my idea for a pilot: We open at a Starbucks. The Barista calls out the name for a drink and two people go for it. Turns out they have the same name. Everybody with me so far? Ok, now here's the real hook: They both ordered the same drink!

Of course! Even when I said it was the chemicals, I knew it was really the toxins. The one thing we all know about toxins is that the body definitely doesn't remove them on its own via the liver or kidneys. No sir, if you want to get rid of toxins, you have to spend your money.

That looks surprisingly edible.

What's next, are you going to try to argue that it's the 540 calories, 28g of fat and 970mg of Sodium that make a Big Mac unhealthy? We all know it's "chemicals".

And since I have no sense of shame, I can freely admit that I deliberately wrote that hoping to be immortalized in an AV Club meme.

Deep fried onion products can only work in ring, straw or bloomin' form, otherwise the batter/onion ratio is all off.

I was at a McDonald's this morning (Whatever, I'm long past the point
where I'm capable of feeling shame.) They had this timeline on their
wall that mentioned that their original idea was to make onion nuggets
instead of chicken. If that's not the an an idea from somebody deliberately trying to get fired, I don't