I was saying Boo-urns

That's what I've been hearing as well. It'll be nice if that's the case, but it better be a real long spending deal or we'll just be doing this all over again in a few months.

I remember the trailers for Office Space made it look pretty bad. They just made it look like a wacky comedy about a guy trying to get fired. I feel like that "I'm gonna show her my Oh Face!" douche was featured prominently and unironically as well.

Sadly, this is only the second worst example of my poor powers of perception that came out of this episode. I also picked Vytas in the Pick 4 league.

Those would be reasonable uses, but I actually see people using them to position their phone right in front of them so its in the exact same spot it would be if they just used their hands.

I work in a very touristy area, so I see people with them all the time. A surprising number of people use them for their non-selfie pictures too, which raises the ridiculousness factor exponentially.

I have to call shenanigans on the instant tribal council thing. Seemed like the challenge took place in broad daylight and it was dark at tribal.

Anybody notice that people don't say "It's deja vu all over again" ironically anymore? It seems to have morphed into the primary way people talk about experiencing deja vu.

Same here (AV Club only account), I'll take Cierra, Vytas, Terry and Shirin, if available.

I've found that it's so ingrained that a lot of people don't even understand why they answer in the form of a question. I've been to a lot of informal trivia events where some smart-ass starts calling people out for not answering in the form of a question. When I try to explain that they didn't phrase the question

And yet somehow, he made a movie that made 14 year old me bored of looking at boobs.

There's an originality to cop/doctor/lawyer shows that zombie and superhero movies lack. They really try to push the boundaries with ideas like "Let's make the exact same show, but in a different city!"

Are you trying to suggest that it's usually not the disease you least expect?

I'm always a bit disappointed when I see a Harry Potter story written by anybody else.

There's got to be some part of the body that we haven't made women self-conscious about yet. I don't know, maybe "Your elbows are too pudgy?"

Don't worry, there's no way it'll last. For starters, they're undercutting their own advertisers. Why would I click on a ad about how to date Natalie Dormer when they're just tweeting it out directly?

Don't get cocky. People have been smitten for less.

The transition to overtly religious messages was a little jarring. I hadn't realized the series had shifted that direction, and I was reading a book we picked up at the store to my daughter when all of the sudden, I found myself quoting the Gospel of Matthew.

I've always been concerned about Cousin Freddy. He really needs to work on establishing his own identity. He shouldn't be defining himself based on his relationship with Brother and Sister.

Oh it was a definite screw up. It's weird to think that at one point, nerds still liked George Lucas enough to actually try to bail him out by coming up with theories that made the statement plausible.

*pushes up glasses* Actually the parsec was a unit of distance…