I was saying Boo-urns

Every time you post, I feel like we all learn a little bit more about that rich tapestry that is Ricky Coogin.

I used to love McDonalds as a kid, and I turned out fine.*

NBC4 interviewed some customers right after news of his admission in court broke. Some people were still saying that Ben's shouldn't remove him from the mural they have on the side of the building.

Anybody else having trouble with their internet browser? I keep clicking on an AV Club article, but it keeps loading one of those clickbait links that show up above the comments section. Some nonsense about celebrity look-alikes.

When you think you're finally wrapping things up, brand new players that have never been mentioned before get to enter the game.

The North only has 1 point of entry and is worth 5 armies per turn? The assholes that lock up Australia were bad enough…

Sending an email after the fact is a great way to complain about somebody being passive.

We can't even pay our bills, and they're drinking Royal Crown Cola.

As it is every week, this T.I. is a well-written and insightful commentary on the issues that matter most to us.

If romantic comedies have taught me anything, this is the moment that @avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus and @bravelittletoker:disqus look into each others' eyes and realize that the person they've been looking for was right in front of them the entire time.

In all seriousness, though, how long do you want us to wait before contacting the authorities if we don't see you posting after the 25th?

Mine has actually gone up from 6:1 to 7:1. Looks like at least somebody is gay for Moleman after all.

This article has only been up for 12 minutes. I'll definitely have a chance to be the first to make some classic Simpsons references, right?

They were just as surprised as the rest of us to learn of their existence.

Well they were women after all. What if all 40 were all on their periods at the same time? chicks say some crazy things when they're on their periods, amirite guys?

Of course it goes without saying that if the rumor validates your previously held opinions, it's completely true and anybody that says otherwise is just buying into their propaganda.

We would have also accepted "Libtards".

All rumors on the internet should be considered true unless somebody goes through the trouble to debunk it. In those cases, you should forget all about it and consider it true again in a few weeks.

Minus the tragic death that's been inaccurately transformed into a comic one by assholes joking about ham sandwiches, that is.

Let me share with you my ridiculously complicated theory involving a faceless man, secret Targaryens and Howland Reed. Long story short: Ned and Robb are both still alive and traveling around Westeros solving mysteries.