I was saying Boo-urns

Between this and the Apollo 13 article, the internet has been doing surprisingly well today. Maybe somebody can recreate something from Game of Thrones in Lego form to restore balance to the internet.

But saying that would take away valuable time that the MRA folks could otherwise spend making "ball" related busting jokes.

Possible new Disqus feature:

Of course

Sort of on-topic: When my daughter was two years old, she went through a phase where she was obsessed with dinosaurs. That phase also happened to coincide with another one where she absolutely refused to poop. When we gave her the everybody poops pep-talk, she called our bluff on the whole "even dinosaurs pooped"

You can totally see a boob if you wait long enough.

Well then what do you use them on?

I've always been partial to seeing any given AL pitcher have to take an at-bat when they're playing in a NL park. Now those are some ugly swings.

So you're one of those, guys, huh? Do you know how many tree forts have had cootie outbreaks because of people spreading reckless pseudoscience like this around? We have to stay vigilant!

If you still haven't gotten your cootie shot, you'll have nobody to blame but yourself.

Since reposted wookiepedia seems to be failing at his/her one job, I'll also add that he created the "Ackbar Slash" tactical maneuver which involved sending your ships right into the middle of the enemy formation so they could be totally surrounded and fired upon from all sides. This was considered a sound tactic

You have to subscribe to HBO for the channel to work, Dik.

Who do you think you are? Ben Affleck's great-great-great grandfather started his company with one single rickety, leaky, hand-crafted slave ship, and a simple motto: "People selling people to people."

*Please note that outrage for lying under oath does not apply for investigations into the exposure of a CIA agent for partisan purposes.

"Here's what the cast of Game of Thrones would look like if they appeared in a McDonalds commercial!"

Why did I register for Insta-trace?

The tremendous disappointment parents will express when their child decides to get a degree in comedy will provide material for countless bad standup routines.

You BoJo! Those boards don't work on lava!

I used to provide phone assistance on some software my employer created. I'm all too familiar with just how low the lowest common denominator can be. The not turned on calls were actually my favorite, since you can just tell them to plug it in and hang up. Way better than when they did god-knows-what to produce

They also had those ads, probably around 2000 or so, for the iMac, where they basically said, "Look dummies, now you only need to plug one cord into the wall!"