I was saying Boo-urns

As a survivor of a 90's era Mac household, I can assure you that Macs were neither hip nor trendy at that time. It was more like owning that weird, off-brand clothing from the discount store that would get you made fun of.

Luckily, DC residents are handling it calmly and with the legendary toughness the DC area is known for HOLY SHIT, THERE'S GODDAMN WATER FALLING FROM THE SKY!! WHAT IS HAPPENING??

Sounds good. I'll invite half the school without your permission so it all spirals out of control.

Party at Ice Cream Planet's parents' house!!

Well it was clear and yella', so as the saying goes, you've got juice there, fella.

I know I'm late to the party, but I worked at a wildly unsuccessful New Orleans themed restaurant in 2005.

Women are great at driving…driving their husbands crazy!! *tries to high five other male commentators, contemplates his own crushing loneliness*

Given his stunning lack of sensitivity to those of us who are still upset about Kierkegaard's death, I doubt it.

Hey! Virginians are excellent drivers! Why I'm driving right now as I'm responding to you. My turn is coming up, though, so I've got to commence the traditional slow drift across 4 lanes of traffic without a turn signal. I'll be expecting to see your apology while I'm still checking my phone after the light turns

I don't know about that. I haven't noticed much interest among the commentators for penises or penis related humor.

I grew up about 20 miles north on 287. You really perfectly nailed the resentment, yet dependence on New York City that all of us living on its periphery felt.

My wife was a third grade teacher until 2012. She had to explain September 11th to her students each year, since it happened before they were born.

The Mortal Instrument movie also had one of the most inexplicably bad advertising campaigns I've ever seen. Instead of showing footage from the movie, or anything that would help you understand what the movie was about, they showed mobs of screaming teenagers freaking out about the stars of the film. My wife saw one

Look, somebody here has to be worse than Hitler. You two discuss this between yourselves and report back to the other commentators when you figure it out.

Lord have mercy, how she even get those britches on?!

Brooklyn 99 has a pretty decent following here. There's a great deadpan Andre Braugher gimic account on the reviews.

Well what was your childhood wearing?

If we don't talk about Pam Anderson's tits, then the terrorists have truly won.

I had the same experience. When my parents moved, they gave me all my old baseball cards. I thought I might be sitting on a gold mine. After a bit of internet research, apparently the 80's to the present is known as the "Garbage Era" among collectors.
