I was saying Boo-urns

Nope, at least not while that station was still playing. There were a few callers talking about how it's not the guns' fault, and one guy who really just wanted to talk about the magazine capacity and reload times of the firearm used, but you could tell their hearts just weren't in it. Maybe they're finally getting

I'm sure they're desperately searching for news stories about white people killed by black people so they can say "Where was all the outrage when this happened?"

I sometimes have to commute home in a car with right wing radio on. Yesterday happened to be one of those times, and they were really having a hard time figuring out how to spin this one. So much so that the driver actually changed to a top 40 station. I bet they're really kicking themselves that they didn't think

I take it the despair part is that I missed my shot at the one job I'm qualified for.

Turns out a lot of people base their movie-going preferences on alphabetical order.

Yahoo has an ongoing feature called "I Yahoo'ed myself". It's really adorable that they're trying to make that happen.

It's on the secret menu. If the barista pretends to not understand you, you just need to ask for it louder and more aggressively. All of us Starbucks insiders do it.

Don't worry, soon enough, the American voters will tell him, "You're fired!" See, it's like what he says on his show!

Michael Crichton still beats them both, though. He actually made a critic, Mike Crowley, a baby rapist in one of his novels:

I'll be damned if I let a little thing like a total lack of knowledge about the subject matter prevent me from sharing my opinions about it.

St. Petersburg is in Equestria?

I also thought that right up until you just pointed that out. It's like my whole life has been a lie.

I saw it too! Maybe there are real people desperately trying to comment before the spambots take over their post. Free what? Laila was trying to tell us something!

I don't know about that. Dude seemed pretty amazed that the girl could go on top sometimes.

I'm a current Verizon Fios subscriber with their standard TV package. I got pretty excited when they announced their new plan where you can choose blocks of channels. Set up a plan that cut out a ton of the fat. It probably only included half of the channels I currently get…and it would have cost me $30 a month

Everything is better during the week when everybody else is working. Even performing simple errands on the weekend becomes so goddamn miserable when everything gets so crowded. The only downside to having the weekdays off is all the judgmental retirees that'll assume you're an unemployed moocher.

They focus way too much on the murders in that show. We want to know more about the swamps! Quit burying the lede.

One thing to keep in mind for chains is that since the bad press from major food poisoning or other food safety issues would be so costly, they likely have at least some emphasis on proper food handling as part of their corporate culture. I worked at a local, New Orleans themed restaurant after college. One time, a

I call shenanigans on anybody who claims they knew about Kamchatka from anything other than Risk.

I feel the same way when they try to say T-Rex was a scavenger. I know, blah, blah, blah, scientific accuracy, embracing the pursuit for the truth no matter where it takes you, etc. but goddammit, guys. Just, goddammit.