I was saying Boo-urns

You get so desensitized to diaper changing that you'd gladly choose getting another person's feces on you over watching whatever movie they're currently obsessed with one more time.

I guess they never heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon.

That was different than how I initially imagined, but if it results in fewer truck nuts, I'm ok with that.

You're missing out. It's really a lot of fun.

Could you go into a little more detail about the lesbian overlords? I'm asking for a friend.

On the plus side, we did get Bronn's resigned "Oh for fuck's sake".

I really think you Adblock people are missing out. I got three brilliant tips to pay off my mortgage on this article alone. Have fun with your 30 year scam mortgage, suckers.

That's bad news for those who check for upvotes and replies obsessively. Ha, those guys are sure out of luck, aren't they? *looks around nervously*

Every once in a while, the stars will align and something will happen to show us that despite all the pain, misery and evil in this world, life is still capable of delivering a moment of transcendent beauty and perfection.

I don't even have any ill will towards the Rangers (besides the 16 years of resentment I developed growing up in the NYC area). The Caps just need to learn how to close out a goddamn series.

As a fellow DC sports fan, please take this upvote as a token of my sympathies. Apparently we can't have nice things.

In hindsight, you'll probably be grateful for this. If you're a Game of Thrones fan, apparently you haven't lived until you've seen Natalie Dormer play "Game of Groans".

I'm seeing double here. Four fuck this shit threads?

That may be it. It was over 50 (75 and counting!) and I don't believe I've ever come close to cracking 50 before. Heck, usually 5-6 upvotes is enough to briefly satisfy my constant need for validation.

Has anybody started getting Guest upvotes again? I had a comment
earlier in the week that appeared to receive some (Come on, don't
pretend you don't check to see who's upvoting your comments too).
Either that, or somebody registered with the name 18 Guest Votes.

The commenters and I were worried sick about you. You didn't call us, you didn't email or even send us a quick text. For all we knew you could have been dead in a ditch somewhere! Now we don't want to be too hard on you on your birthday, but we are going to have a discussion about this tomorrow.

For the 4 years that I played, I was only on one good team. We made it all the way to the championship, but we ended up getting absolutely crushed. The team that beat us wasn't even gracious about it, either. One kid even took an at bat left handed when I'm pretty sure he was a righty. If I ever find that kid, I'm

Gotta love the little league coaches who take things way too seriously. I can remember my coach absolutely screaming at the ump a few times. Oh, by the way, the umps in my league were 7th/8th grade kids.

One time, while I was out in right field during whatever was the league-mandated minimum amount of time every player needed to be in the game, a line drive was hit right at me. I closed my eyes and stuck out my glove and somehow the ball landed in it. The guy playing second base was desperately trying to get me to

Come on, guys. Can't we just have one comments section where we don't talk about urinating on people?