I was saying Boo-urns

If it's not posted soon, I say let's burn this mother down!

And I thought @joeyblowey:disqus smelled bad…on the outside.

It's probably the titties.

You're stealing @repostedcustomerreviews's bit, internet.

So I take it you only get creative input on tit related decisions?

That scene really calls into question Sansa's qualifications to serve as a leader. You know your decision making skills are lacking when a complete stranger asks you to walk alone down a corridor filled with vicious dogs, and your first thought is "Don't mind if I do."

You sweet summer child….

All musical talent aside, I still can't accept that we let somebody named "Phillip Phillips" serve as our idol.

But he had to do dishes, for God's sake. On his Birthday. You need to get your priorities in order.

The wheel was trying to tell you something. By vetoing it, you upset the cosmic order. Every misfortune you've experienced since then all stems from your refusal to eat at Taco Bell that one time.

I think maybe Joe Blevins is just bragging that he conned some sucker into giving him $2 for a Calvin and Hobbes knockoff.

I got "a plugin is needed to display this content"…damn IT and their blocking all outside software. I guess I'll just STARVE. I hope they're happy.

That pie knows what it did.

Ladies, always wanting all that sweet rape victim publicity…

I say give up the fight and go for broke. If you're going to be fat, try to be getting your own TLC reality show-fat.

Congrats on the new house. I know I certainly felt like a sucker after I spent days cleaning my old house before the sale. Apparently leaving your house in squalor is the expected norm when somebody gives you hundreds of thousands of dollars for it.

The Caps still have me fearing a collapse, even with a momentary lead in the series. I've even resisted trash talking all of my Ranger fan friends on facebook, for fear that it'll come back to bite me in the ass. It's been hard resisting, though. One of them posted a "Rangers Win" picture after every single regular

There's a car that parks in the same commuter lot that I do that has two big apple decals and lots of little ones, just like those people with the stick figure families on the back of their cars. Definitely got an initial eye-roll from me. Then I realized that if there were about 10 little apple stickers and it was

When my three year old got really into My Little Pony, I really can't emphasize enough how uncomfortable the Bronies made me.

The best submarine movie will always be U-571, which tells the 100% true story of America's heroic capture of the German enigma coding machine without any help at all from any other country.