I was saying Boo-urns

Your statement seems to imply that I wasn't already holding a Coors, which is a scenario I'm having a hard time understanding.

I refuse to believe that anything Cadbury Creme Egg related can be anything less than awesome. I take this as a personal insult, Amelie.

IE 9? What's it like in the future?

As a counterpoint to Mr. Forest Cat, I found her arc so far to be an interesting reflection on leadership. The conquering part for her was the easy part, but she's learning that without a clear plan and just a vague desire to do what she considers to be the right thing, her situation is quickly spinning out of

My office not only requires IE, but our programs are only compatible with IE 8. We got new computers and our IT staff actually had to downgrade the default IE on them.

I've actually been to a Toby Keith concert. A friend of mine invited me to go to a NASCAR race on the same day, so I actually had to say the phrase, "Sorry I can't go to the NASCAR race that day. I have tickets to a Toby Keith concert."

One summer as a kid, my sister and I found a VHS copy of the three Windigo Lake episodes of the Edison Twins while we were spending a week at our grandmother's house. We watched it endlessly, and even kept renewing it until we had to leave. I was recently able to find a copy on Amazon… It didn't age well. That show

Kate Upton could never play one of those. They are "FOR MALE GAMERS ONLY!"

What happened to "There's no such thing as bad publicity?"

Scream "I'm a hemophiliac!" and then kick 'em in the back when they let go.

I'd be more worried about disappointing Jay S. I'd probably have to just lie and tell everybody in the recap that I was the contestant that won if I ended up losing on a less than optimal FJ wager.

Your ideas intrigue me, and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

It was a nice twist on the "This plan is so crazy, it just might work" trope, but yeah, it really amounted to a whole lot of nothing, plot-wise.

Yeah, Mike, I believe. The worst part is that after the shift, the bears don't even learn lessons from their flaws anymore. They're just awesome for the whole book, quote some Bible verses and talk some more about how great they are.

That was definitely a surprise to me when I started reading some of the new ones to my daughter. I guess Stan Berenstain was really holding the line against moving into overt religious territory while he was still alive.

I once saw the Calvin peeing on a Chevy sticker on an actual Chevy. I like to think he saw the sticker and thought "I love Chevy's!" without ever really understanding what he was buying.

I think the company that brought us John Carter and the Lone Ranger knows a little bit more about which movies will make money than we do, Dikachu.

I've always wondered about how they justify the clue crew from an accounting standpoint. It must get pretty expensive to send these people all over the world just to do something Alex does from his podium all day long. They had one recently where it was a one-off question set in Jerusalem. Makes me wonder if they

Howler monkeys really earn their name too. You can hear them for miles. My wife and I went on our honeymoon in Costa Rica. Our very first night there, a howler monkey was in a tree right next to our cabin. Imagine waking up at 5am, still jet lagged and in totally unfamiliar surroundings to a near deafening

I'm only about 20% finished according to my Kindle. So far, you missed out on everything the Bishop did in his everyday life prior to meeting Jean Valjean. That section was basically endless.