I was saying Boo-urns

This comment has been here for 43 minutes and nobody's done the AV Club meme yet? It's like I don't even know you people anymore.

Guest would still upvote you months after your post, though. All you regulars are quick to jump to the newest newswire, but that Guest fellow is still chugging through Sesame Street week and upvoting all your old comments. It's like finding money you forgot you even had in the pocket of a coat you haven't worn in

Can we get Jay S. to weigh in on this? I feel like he often mentions the placement of the DD in his betting strategy discussions.

That's what you get for downvoting all the poor hashtag users.

Upvoted in sympathy. Hope that helps a bit.

That's terrible news. Upvotes are basically my only tool for assessing my value as a human being.

I don't know what they mean, but it had the cadence of a joke.

Has anybody pointed out yet that his isn't a particularly great job yet?

Hey, Everybody. An old man is talking!


Seriously, they either need to commit to making a show about fish underwater, or just put it on land.

With all the the reality competitions on the air these days, I always feel that composers of generic dramatic/suspenseful music must consider this the golden age of their craft.

The logic is sound. People think Steve Martin and Bill Murray are funny, just not those particular movies. Their two funniest movies are obviously Pink Panther and Garfield, as both were found worthy of a sequel.

Euphemisms for sex seem to keep getting more and more abstract.

Looks like it's the "Words that start with 'C'" incident all over again. We've got to start looking beyond the first one or two things that pop into our heads.

The Reading Rainbow theme song?…I got nothing.

Is it too late to enter? If not, I'll take Joe, Max, Tyler, Lindsey, if it's still available.

My two year old daughter is going through a phase where she simply can't understand why they would ever make a move that didn't have dinosaurs. We got to skip out on all the Frozen nonsense just because they failed to include a T-Rex in their story.

I once got phone calls informing me that I won a raffle and had to stop by a nearby sketchy hotel to pick up my prize. If you ever get a call like that, you should do it. It'd help with the loneliness…at least until all the stabbing started.

Your funeral, buddy. I'm just curious what happens if you don't have a fax machine. Do you have to go to the nearest FedEx Office to receive your warrant?