I was saying Boo-urns

The complete and total confidence he had while ringing in with Tom Hanks was the best part.

No, I'm pretty sure that's how the IRS works. I bet you'll also try to tell me that the person who called from Microsoft to inform me that I had a virus on my computer was also a scam. It was a little weird that they wanted all my bank account info and social security number, but I'm just glad I don't have any more

I hope you paid them. That sounds serious.

I just got back this week after 3 weeks off (we just had a baby so it wasn't exactly a vacation). I know the feeling. I was tempted to just ask IT to delete my email account and start fresh.

Sure is. I guess I'd better go fire myself for that blunder.

I saw the article title and I saw the relatively small amount of comments, and I thought that just maybe I'd be able to get this reference in before anybody else. I forgot the kind of Simpson referencing pros I was dealing with. My naivete was bad and I should feel bad.

Well that's a funny looking strike.

I'm amazed at how often I get to shout that in life. I couldn't get the clue for he life of me. The only "L of G" I could think of was "lamb of God", which obviously wasn't close.

It's that type of lapse in concentration that'll cost him the Emmy next year.

I can remember a few years back watching the Emmys. They apparently had a category for outstanding directing in a category that included televised award shows, and they gave the Emmy to the guy that was currently directing that very same Emmy broadcast. For me, that perfectly summed up the terrible circle-jerk of

Also, the Ben & Jerry's at the mall sells a sundae for nine dollars.

A generation from now, when the world's water related infrastructure is in shambles, we'll know who to blame.

It's actively encouraged here. Do you think Woodrow from "Bart the Lover" counts?

This episode made me reconsider my lifelong dream to become a chief hydrological engineer.

I see what you did there.

I like to think that you've been reading the comments on totally unrelated articles for years, just waiting for an opportunity to unload your knowledge about the fall of the Byzantine empire. Your time has finally come!

If you want to sleep your way to he top, you have to start somewhere.

And they're apparently loaded from making all that free internet money. They'd make great sugar mammas/daddies.

I always wondered about the intended timeframe of the books. Assuming that they were taking place around when the books were released, it seemed like the Order of the Phoenix could just go buy some cellphones if their owls and the floo network we're being monitored.