I was saying Boo-urns

Some of the bullies that tormented me also seemed really intent on being friends with me on facebook, but I don't believe I've seen any evidence that they ever grew to be better people. I accepted a couple of requests and my newsfeed got really racist until I eventually defriended them.

Well that got dark pretty quickly. I take it you weren't close?

And lost tokens! I made that discovery once at a birthday party. I apparently had no sense of shame and had no problem sifting through the bottom to find more tokens. It got me more time on the Simpsons arcade game, so it was worth it.

We should all go shit in unexpected places to honor his memory.

I'd also argue that those stupid kids grow up to become even more stupid adults that are still incapable of separating fantasy from reality. After the VA Tech shootings, I remember seeing a bunch of pundits sitting around trying to out-macho each other by explaining what they would have done if they were trapped in a

I thought I was the only one. This must be what it feels like when doves cry.

After seeing he original air date up above, I realized that I've been responding with "sew buttons" every time somebody said "so?" to me for almost 18 years now.

It the "remember when" section of my senior yearbook, I used the "remember the time your dog ate my goldfish, and you lied and said I never had a goldfish…" line in mine. I hope your Simpsons quote also brought you the universal respect and admiration of your peers.

David Anthony, I too would like to express my fondness for that particular quote.

The fact that Florida has the lowest "high point" in the US is one of those obscure tidbits that my brain just refuses to give up. I'm a little bummed now. If I ever get on the show, I'll know with 100% certainty that this knowledge is now worthless, since they won't repeat a clue like that.

You know your monologue must have really sucked if the Comedy Central repeat just went right from the cold open to the first sketch.

I was wondering that myself. I always preferred the weird, post-update portion of the show. A ton of misses, but at least they were usually trying a new idea. Beats the hell out of the recurring sketches they always seem to put right in the beginning. I have so many hazy memories of really weird sketches, but no

Yeah, I really haven't made much progress in the whole understanding other people thing.

When I was in middle school, somebody gave me a t-shirt with a newspaper article about his suicide printed on it. Since I was not particularly adept at understanding normal human behavior at that point in my life, it took several people telling me (usually with profanity) that wearing the shirt was not the best way

Turns out fat, sarcastic Simpson fans aren't always huge hits with the ladies.

I'm frequently burned by the lack of spell check for email subject lines. I've often sent out what I wanted to be serious, professional emails, only to see glaring, terrible spelling errors in all the reply subjects.

Yup, we get the reply alls asking to stop replying to all at least once a month. Makes me wonder how so many others here have such competent workforces. I also love the people who reply all back asking for their name to be removed from the email chain. Makes me wonder if they actually think the people responding

Does this mean we'll finally have a place to debate when the show started its decline?

Yeah, they don't even get prizes for winning the elimination challenge anymore. Glad family of products is getting cheap on us. This crap never would have happened under Healthy Choice's watch.