I was saying Boo-urns

Fun story (spoiler alert, it's not really that fun): I had the good fortune of attending a Toby Keith concert that happened to fall on September 11. Prior to opening the gates, they had this karaoke booth set up where people could sing their favorite Toby Keith song. Do you know that it's possible for people to

In college, I once showed up to work ridiculously hungover. The kind of hung over where you couldn't even keep down water, and the mere sight or smell of food made you nauseous. They had recently instituted a zero tolerance policy on calling out on weekend shifts, so if I tried to skip the shift, I would have been

For me, it was Rockappella's Where in the World is Carmen San Diego soundtrack on cassette. Having an entire tape of geography themed songs did not bring me the popularity I had hoped for.

They're really fun if you like scaring the crap out of people. If you stop using one, after about a minute or so, it says this really creepy, almost ominous "Good bye". Just activate it and hide it in an area you know the person will be headed to soon, and you're guaranteed to get a good scare. It's a miracle my

Tywin's death on the show could never live up to the book, based solely on the fact that it would be hard to bring up that he didn't shit gold organically.

It's a shame you're following the board's list instead of the readers' list. You'd have 4 Ayn Rand and 3 L. Ron Hubbard novels to read when you made it to the top 10.

Cheez whiz counts as cheese, right?

That rally basically killed the Metro for me for good. I've never subsequently used it on a weekend, and I've only had to ride it 1 or 2 times for work since then.

I can't believe "Smell ya later" replaced goodbye.

I had the opposite reaction. I hated them on TAR and thought they, along with Rocker, were just stupid stunt casting to manufacture drama with divisive personalities. I never would have dreamed that I'd be actively rooting for a twinnie to the point where I was getting genuinely angry when they were pulling the

Old people and computers are always fun. At a certain point I stopped trying to explain the difference between typing our website address into their browser's navigation bar vs. the 12 or so search engine toolbars they unknowingly downloaded. "Just type the address into any search bar you can find and it'll either

My two year old daughter is obsessed with dinosaurs, so one day we decided to show her "The Land Before Time". Not too long into the movie, I remembered that a T Rex kills Little Foot's mom pretty early on and got worried that it would be too intense for her. As soon as we get to that scene, she gets all excited

It makes me wonder how all those real estate based shows on HGTV got so popular. Buying or selling a house is one of the most stressful things you'll ever do. Why do people want to experience more of it than they absolutely have to.

I usually try to make my footsteps extra loud and conspicuous to give people adequate time to pretend to work. Nothing more awkward than having a work conversation with somebody while their browser just sits there on obvious non-work related websites.

Do the orcs ride the wolves? If so, that sounds like he was just trying to pad out the number of armies.

I always end up feeling bad for the soldiers that got stationed at the beacons on the very top of the desolate, snow-capped mountains. Hadn't it been hundreds of years since the last time the beacons were lit? That must have been a pretty miserable assignment.

Interesting stuff. I stand corrected. I noticed them start to cut a lot of stuff out of the Peanuts special and figured they were doing the same to Rudolph.

Misfits is definitely still in the version they air every year. I think it's probably a case of older versions having both songs with Fame and Forture cut at some point for more commercials.

The "Sorry I'm late, somebody cut my brakes/Well then you should have been early" exchange still cracks me up.

I always like to point out that companies want to bring as many paying customers into their stores as possible, so they have a financial interest in making people who might not celebrate Christmas feel welcome. It's free market capitalism that brought you "Happy Holidays", not some liberal plot.