I was saying Boo-urns

The Bible is full of people casually reacting to stuff that should be pretty big deals. There's really only so many times 100,000+ soldiers could all simultaneously die the night before a big attack on the Jews before soldiers start getting a little less willing to fight the Jews.

I stopped counting how many times I thought, "Wait, people actually believe this?" around the 3rd or 4th casual mention of somebody living 900+ years.

Granted his initial elimination was a pretty crappy way to go out, but it seems weird that George just gets to join right back in. He essentially just gets to skip half of the competition. The LCK winner at least has to prove their worth through a series of victories.

I actually read the whole goddamn Bible solely because Biblical trivia comes up so frequently on Jeopardy. I still manage to get almost all of the Bible questions wrong.

I'm still waiting for one of my employees to invite me to his house for dinner to discuss the possibility of a promotion. Obviously, I'd base my decision solely on how few comedic mishaps and misunderstandings occurred during the meal. Based on my experience with classic TV, that sort of thing should be happening

Yeah, that's the downside to those rules. You'd be technically correct (which should be the best kind of correct for us bureaucrats) but you'd be destroying your career.

If you're a federal employee, then the rules are as strict as you'd imagine them to be. I recently received a packaged apple cake from one of my employees and started freaking out that I might have to contact the ethics office for approval.

According to my work computer, December 25 is "Winter Holiday". When we saw that, all of us atheist haters started celebrating. We did it! We actually won the war on Christmas. I'd say that you could expect a wave of little atheist babies in about 9 months, but I imagine most of them will be aborted by then.

They haven't had any prizes for first place all season. Don't think there were any last season either. The Glad family of products or whoever their sponsor is this year must be getting cheap.

I once stopped at a combination Irish/Mexican restaurant on an old section of Rt. 66. They served a corned beef and cabbage burrito. It was even more awesome than it sounds.

Same here. The less protection the protagonists have, the more gripping the story is. That's also why everybody agrees that the hobbits' initial flight from the Shire is the best part of the Lord of the Rings books.

The editing last night was so weird. When they started out the second hour with Alec getting screen time, I figured he was done. Then they laid on Jon's overconfidence so thickly that it seemed like the episode would end with a Jon blindside. I spent a good portion of the second hour before Jon won immunity

They preempted Jeopardy in the Washington DC market to air a show of angry people shouting at each other about the recent grand jury non-indictments. We missed our moment of glory as the final response!

Wait, people put butter in their coffee? I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

I'm pretty sure that for him, it was just some sort of insurance fraud. He probably still billed them for the cost of the drugs. This particular dentist was in a pretty shady part of town. His office was in what used to be a bank in an otherwise abandoned strip mall. Also, not to get all elitist, but all he had

I waited about 5 years between dental appointments. Think I had about 8-9 cavities. I only had one in the bottom right corner of my mouth, and he convinced me that it was so shallow that he could drill without novocaine and I still wouldn't feel any pain. He was not correct.

Jews are essentially the Kevin Bacon of conspiracy theories. Peel back enough layers, and you can ALWAYS find a cabal of sinister Jews running things.

Great point. I feel that the conspiracy folks are actually using their theories as a coping mechanism. It seems like, to them, the idea of mankind retaining absolute control over everything that happens in the world, regardless of their sinister intentions, is somehow more comforting than the thought that the world

If we don't live in a world where we can all agree that Penelope Cruz is objectively attractive, than I'm afraid of what that means for the rest of us. I'm just barely a step above "troglodyte" as is.

Nicaragua was actually the very first season of Survivor I ever watched. It also got me hooked.