

It's not really a "rock" song, though, right? It's more bluesy.

re: How the contestant's interpreted "rock"
+30 years old
Heavily R+B influenced or straight up hair metal
"Dad music"

"It looks like he's dead." <——How is that vaguely positive?

Wow, that was…erotic?

Well, it's been a good 12 years. Your music really got me through some tough times; Whatever and Ever Amen is particularly great for a sophomore in marching band and show choir. I saw you live three times; once with the Five, and twice solo. You put on a really fantastic show. I really liked you, Ben.

@Babysitter: I watched the whole series. Big fan of Undeclared. Didn't find this show particularly interesting or funny, with the exception of some awesome Haverchuck moments.

Max Power…
He's the man who's name you'd love to touch!

Kornheiser wrote the Bandwagon articles about the 'Skins in their 92 Super Bowl season. For that alone, he's got a lifetime pass from me.

Same show, different day: did anybody else feel uncontrollable dread when the fucking pizza guy gets trapped in the haunted house? Ugh.

that maya sure wore the hell out of that cocktail dress.

vicious cycle
…i held off on watching this because i knew it would get cancelled because people wouldn't watch it because they knew it would get cancelled because nobody was watching it…

what the…?
no padma? sniff…

I'd Anna her Faris.

You could ACTUALLY disembowel them (or do so many other things to them) with this:

how about portland, oregon? i'll even write for it!

two questions
Does Ben have a picture of himself and his family in his pocket? And if so, is he starting to slowly fade out of said picture?

JJ's time to shine!
Anybody else think maybe JJ's gonna make a play for prophet? Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but Alby's been pretty well and thoroughly discredited, Hollis is too much of a fugitive to hang around, and Adaleen can't do anything without Roman…so there's going to be a pretty significant power vacuum at

"rate the talk soup hosts" part CVIXVII
1) John Henson
2) This guy, McHale or whatever.
3) Aisha Tyler
4) Greg Kinnear

oh noes!
the imaginary friend in the sky they use their secret handshake to meet is going to be real mad!