
Just to be clear, he'll always be ADA Ed Danvers from Homicide to me. And that's about as not-evil a character you could play. Also, Melissa Leo and him had some amazing chemistry.

zeljko ivanek!
the greatest creepy character actor ever! with the most unpronounceable name! looking forward to seeing what he's gonna do with this part, although i am disappointed that he doesn't have his Ray Fiske Louisiana drawl on.

"…and Bender embarks on a dangerous affair with the wife of the Godfather of the robot Mafia"

not my Top Chef.
I refuse to recognize this bland usurper to the throne. Stephanie Izard retains the crown for another year, and I'm starting a "Draft Stefan for Top Chef Season 6" Facebook group.

homer's ode
I like pizza,
I like bagels,
I like hot dogs with mustard and beer.
I'll eat eggplant,
I could even eat a baby deer,
Lalalala la la la laaa laaa la…
Who's that baby deer on the lawn there?

I think a reputation for wild, reckless behavior would do it. A real loose cannon; the kind of cop who takes the law into his own hands. Give me your badge, McGarnigle; I won't have wild cards in my unit!

Noel, you're so homophobic. "Wild card." Well I never.

Math counts!
So…there are three groups of twelve contestants.

They also made Coraline here.

Michael Clayton, I'm gonna blow up your car.

tthe "documents"
i'm not sure i understand the significance of the documents that Ted's friend is trying to get. what's that all about?

great; now that the original racist post is gone, i just look like an asshole.

well kimstaff, hopefully you've learned from all this that "latin american classes" are only good for the filthy, filthy mexicans.

This should be the final comment on the game thread.

I've come from the future to reassure you that your fears are unfounded.


…Allright, punching a koala bear was funny.

Yeah, and the ads don't really live up to the hype. "Wow, that guy really took a beating for talking bad about Bud Lite." "Huh, those lizards can sure dance." LAME.

ey, gabba gool
good to see that silvio dante's made a full recovery.

If you want some lemonade, you gotta start manipulatin'!