
Gob was getting life lessons all over the place.

bring back andy richter controls the universe!
I mean, are we really supposed to buy that Molly Shannon is old enough to be Selma Blair's mother? This show is ridiculous.

You just can't deal with the fact that I've got a super-thin wife with huge cans.



Homer: You're Darryl Strawberry.
Darryl: Yes?
Homer: You play right field.
Darryl: Yes?
Homer: I play right field, too.
Darryl: So?
Homer: Well, are you better than me?
Darryl: Well, I never met you, but…Yes.

Homer: You're Darryl Strawberry.
Darryl: Yes?
Homer: You play right field.
Darryl: Yes?
Homer: I play right field, too.
Darryl: So?
Homer: Well, are you better than me?
Darryl: Well, I never met you, but…Yes.

good points, all!

"We're fucking with the audience the whole time."
Yup, that's exactly how I feel about 95% of stuff these two excrete.

my name is
judge! i mean earl. why no love for my name is earl?

Awesome; you win the thread.

One! One comment posted! AH AH AH!

is it just me…
…or are there a LOT of terrorist fist jabs in that trailer?

wait a second
I think you buried the lede here, Rabin.

some love for a webcomic…?
tip me over pour me out (www.tmopmo.com) is pretty much this kind of stuff every strip. sadly, the update schedule is weak, but throw it on your rss feed.

"Marsh could've picked any number of counter-stories to put Petit's feat in context: the building of the towers, the history of Houdini-like public stunts, the relative letdown of Petit's post-WTC life, etc."

this movie
is so goddamn good.

a movie called "space chimps" came out last week?

how long
before the first horatio sanz cameo?

simpsons did it!
…why would they come to our concert just to boo us?