
"a man atop a floating ice cream truck filled with heavenly light shooting a mega-zeppelin with a shoulder-mounted missile"

the trailer for this movie is absolutely DEADLY; it's all swooping cameras and overwrought crying and swelling orchestras. i'm glad it's not as horrendous as the trailer makes it look.

this is a really confusing story. christian bale in a McG movie? a "revamp" of a series that had a sequel out 4 years ago, and a new tv series starting in a few weeks? john connor as a full-fledged adult?

snl with cera…and cursing!
man oh man. if these don't end up bootlegged on the youtube within the week it will be a damn shame.

larry and richard
the scene with larry and richard lewis was like a master class in comedy. oh man. richard was clearly about to lose his shit seven or eight times.

swimming with the sharks
did she do the paper cuts/lemon and hot sauce routine?

anybody got leads on where i can see all the fourth season of The Wire?

lawsuit angle
the plaintiff is not a person; as such he has no standing in our courts. summary judgment for the defendant granted. NEXT!

how is this a flop?
for most of the movies in this series you've done a paragraph or two setting up the "hype" surrounding the film. it seems like this hype is a necessary element for a film to be truly considered a flop. i understad that this film was terrible, but did anyone ever expect it to be anything but?

"i turn my camera on" by spoon is pretty perfect for this list.

the week of playing sharply
these guys should hook up with the star wars trumpet player. pitch pipes everywhere would explode.

that stringer is one POTENT motherfucker, man.

and finally…
omar is the best character maybe ever.

i won't be reading any more stories about this, seeing as i'm only halfway through the third season, and haven't been (badly) spoiled yet.

zeljko ivanek has done a good job of putting together a southern accent on Damages…maybe ed danvers will live again?

…clark kent is a super hero?

MBI had the right idea
"This is just like that time George Harrison and I went to see the Chiffons."

(mouthful of cake)
this episode was pretty good.

no red box for me
not special enough, i guess.

snotty brits
i thought the dude on "america's got talent" was supposed to be the "snotty brit" character. SHARON! seems more like randy or paula. probably paula.