
comeon guys
comics weeks should have featured an interview with the comics curmudgeon.

for the record:
i look TERRIBLE compared to michelle pfeiffer.

not just this film; pfeiffer looked awful in hairspray too.

the ads for this film make it look atrocious.

they kept the character's names?
man, cuba's fallen pretty far since boyz.

…a little extra sugar on your cornflakes this morning, buddy?

um, regarding the article now…
that "okey-dokey hot dog man" line made me laugh, imagining Meldrick saying it.

aw, meldrick lewis
what the fuck happened to the Homicide cast? so much potential…poof. the Belz is stuck as Law and Order: Rape Baby's comic relief, a couple of folks showed up on The Wire, pembleton had that Thief show that went nowhere, and bayliss played the first man on that "geena davis is the lady president"

corman classics…
didn't they learn their lesson with that terrible fantastic four remake?

mcsweeney's style
Things Chris Tucker and Brett Ratner clearly know nothing about:

oh my god
those web-based ads for Grilled were so terrible; you couldn't even tell what the movie was called.

Dr. z
In my experience, boxes are usually empty. Or maybe with a little cheese stuck to the top. And one time pepperoni! What a day that was!

diabolical peter dinklage
i thought he was gonna take the high road after "station agent". oh well.

uh, maybe you don't follow US politics? because doonesbury is one of the most consistantly funny comic strips ever…but you do kind of have to know what they're talking about.

lee hazelwood
named his last album after an eddie izzard quote? good man.

how do you feel about blue and pinkerton? because regardless of feelings towards green/maladroit/whatever, i've never heard anyone say those first two albums are _worse_. i don't even think it's an elitist thing: weezer was simply way better with matt sharp and without rivers' post-harvard focus on

maybe a lead:
it's possible that the Paley Center (formerly the Museum of Television and Radio) in NYC has those old siskel and eberts you seek.

seriously though,
i will only pay attention to this story if rivers totally blows the cover off his "band." there's no way you can convince me that weezer wasn't a carefully planned and executed ploy by record company bigwigs. not after maladroit.
