
JLCurtis needs to go see a little movie i like to call rat-tat-too-ee. anyone can cook, girl (?).

snakehead eating the head on the opposite side
Pixies did a tribute to TMBG, who did a tribute to Pixies, Frank Black once filled in onstage for John Flansburgh, who once directed a video for the Pixies, Frank Black was in the documentary about TMBG…


ragging on the kid…nice.

everybody really hates this movie, huh?

senor plow
nobody's mentioned "the plowingest guy in the USA"????

175 million?!
i heard when all was told, it was actually 250 mil for bruce almighty 2: electric boogaloo

the simpsons ftw, that is

family guy ftw
one step closer to "the blunch black of blotre blame"

why hasn't anyone gotten randy jackson's thoughts on this yet?

We want…
http://tinyurl.com/2o95y9 Check the jacket; on the seat; next to tony. sorry i don't have a better shot of it, but i swear to god i've done the research, twice now. it's a good theory, but it's just not right.

We want…
he was wearing a jacket when he walked in. badda bing, badda boom. i just checked it.

"shifty I-A gentleman in a member's only jacket"

that's the worst application of ockham's razor i've ever seen. you think your little theory is the SIMPLEST solution, considering the pieces of information we (actually) got?

lies lies lies
no "nikki leotardo"; not the same boy scouts; not the same thugs that shot tony's OJ bottle.

"never been to new york city"

geez, that's not encouraging.

ryan adams stole my basketball.

too legit to quit
i don't really have anything to add, i just wanted to jump on this mc hammer quoting bandwagon.