
not improv
Ugh. Improv comedy gets shit on by television like nothing else. HYUCK HYUCK, they're comic actors; I bet they can do that improv stuff real good!!! Like it's easy. Fuck you, tv.

it's the little mixed up word you have to enter to post your comments (technical term: captcha). people have a jolly good time making up new definitions for the words, because nothing's quite as funny as an activity a 75 year old newspaperman would enjoy.

you wouldn't call it mildly irritating if you heard petra haden's acapella "don't stop believing." it's good.

oh man
my eyes totally glazed over when the plot synopsis started. haunted house? john candy in drag? "special guest stars"? are you sure this wasn't a scooby doo episode?

move it!
family guy had "virtual stuck behind a bus" way back when.

i want my .tv
people who still complain about mtv crack my shit up. don't you guys have access to youtube? you actually think one of our contry's largest media conglomerates is going to spend time playing pretentious indie rock nonsense that 3.4 people will watch, when they can get through-the-roof,

you fly boys crack me up…
SOLID use of "crisitunity".

first imdb hit that turns up for him: "The Happy Hooker" (1975).

You cut out the BEST quote (this, from the escort): "It's ironic that his biggest hit was Do You Really Want To Hurt Me - because I'm sure he did want to hurt me."

…crimea river.

harvey danger gave their latest album away entirely…they asked for donations, if i recall correctly.

noticably f.a.t.
oh! i saw this episode of futurama. it's a movie now?

isn't there a pixar movie out right now?! what the fuck, this country is so unpredicatable.

holy shit
when is the "10 years later…" movie about college improv troupes coming out?

"think before you post" looks really orwellian in all capital letters.

omg maybe they got to her (him?)

i was just thinking about magneto yesterday. his story is that he's a Holocaust survivor, right? and he was like, a teenager then? and that really formed his worldview?

love for tim and eric makes me cry. unfunny, unprofessional, nauseating crap. just because two guys have some famous and talented friends does not make extended close-ups on their pasty gross faces as they vomit funny.

just wait until the new movie Zoo gets wide release (HA!) in a little while. this country's gonna be abuzz about abeastiality.

miss m
NO MORE "i vomited in my mouth". STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT.