
it was pretty much just like friends, albeit slightly updated. actually, it wasn't even that updated, considering the emphasis on 80's nostalgia for such a large part of the humor.

scarey carey1…
…i laughed, if it's any consolation.

to be fair…
…she's made it pretty clear she knows that love is a losing game.

i thought you were finally going to address the issue of how every AV Club comment is time-stamped 1900 years IN THE FUUUUUTURE!

interesting that you didn't mention MCPHEE in your idol question; granted, she has a year or so before she is gonna be released from the icy grip of Simon Fuller, but she seems like exactly the kind of poppy waify boring songstress the anti-Idol crowd is chewing their nails about.

oh come on, nobody's gonna talk about $240 worth of pudding? what about johnny blue jeans!?

i'm all verklempt
i was thinking of "Oy! Vey!" starring Larry The Cable Guy and Marlon Wayans, with Anna Faris.

R James
here's a fun little test you can apply: every time this movie has a gay stereotype, replace it with a black (or Jewish, or Asian) one. still non-offensive?

On RyanTheTemp
Juristische, I gotta disagree with you. It makes perfect sense that Ryan has stayed at Dunder-Mifflin despite his apparant talent and disdain for the place: he's a victim of inertia, and he thinks EXTREMELY highly of himself.

it's like a friar's roast in here

why is it always the comments threads i want to read the most that don't display?!?!!


dice clay
when i read the headline, i thought this was going to be support for an all "queer eye"/"will and grace"/"boy meets boy" channel.

i wish that was REALLY paul harvey. and now we know…the rest of the story

i like this take-off on cowboy bebop: cosby bebop. it's from ytmnd.com originally, but much MUCH higher than the curve on that particular site:

did it just get really british in here?

did anyone else hear the headline in a dr. evil voice?

stupid money
$350k an episode: that's what cnn is saying zach braff will make for the seventh season of scrubs. as mixed as my feelings are about your braff-hating, i fully expect some later today.

maybe the haterati can help me with this question: in the aforementioned airport commercial, i always thought that the caveman was looking away with something of a satisfied look on his face. subsequent commercials have focused on how pissed off he (still) is about the whole campaign. am i an idiot, or could