
They were one of the bands I always went to see as a teenager. And they were always great. I have never seen a half-assed performance from them. Always a good energetic set. And they play the songs you want to hear.

Really? You had to read an essay to know about this? You had no idea that white people loved Larry Bird and Kevin McHale? (McHale was the other big white player on the Celtics.) Did you know that in the early 90's when both players were still playing, most white basketball fans claimed that Bird was better than

You know, up until I read this article, due to my friend's bad handwriting, I always thought the name of the album was "Frances the Mule."

I gave up on them about 15 minutes after seeing them live on their first tour. I am a huge At the Drive In fan. I still remember seeing them as the opening, opening band for the Suicide Machines in 1997. And were totally blown away by them. And probably saw them 10 more times. One of the most solid bands of the

Ozzy made great music while on drugs. He also made crap music while on drugs. He made total crap music while off drugs.

I saw them in on the Rising Tide tour and they started the set with In Circles. And I was all "Hell yea, this is going to be great!" And then heard a hour of songs I had never heard before, but they sounded like Rush. It was a total disappointment. Similar thing happened a few months later when Sonic Youth hit the

There is nothing funny about a guy saying, "rap, rap, rap,rap, rap." Nothing really all that funny about saying, "This question is for the guy in the yellow hat" while nobody is wearing a yellow hat. A guy pretending billiard balls are celebrities and horses is not that funny. Ohh wait, never mind, look David Cross