
Your GG reviews are easily the best argument against AV Club TV coverage. I have read undergraduate essays that suggest more wit and intelligence.

Ah, the weekly plot summary has arrived. Congratulations on watching something, then typing something.

Remember when you were still allowed to comment on this website. Without having those comments disappear.

I can't wait to hear about how much you love season seven.


I do always enjoy the Sims Summaries of Shows I Have Already Watched. Perhaps one day his love of GG will translate into a genuine desire to actually provide some insight into the program. Or, at the very least, he will find a season where he can actually say that he enjoys the show on its merits; and, if not, he will

The basic premise of all of your GG reviews seems to be, "Well, this episode pretty much sucked. But the show's still cool, right?" Would you like me to lend you another note? 

Um…these are 'reviews'? Are you actually paid for this? Could you put some genuine thought into the mix, please?