Lucas Vaccaro

Not a big fan, but…
Yeah, they just may have "the last laugh" after Interpol released what's largely being considered a dud. Interpol falling out of critical favor could be a good thing for bands like Editors and I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness.

Does this mean…
I'll have to read about celebrity gossip instead of the world's fattest baby as I wait in the grocery store line?! Damnit!

WWH, Comic Snobs
I'm loving WWH. And yeah, they've done a great job making it plausible for Black Bolt to have his ass kicked. Sounds to me like someone's being a bit markish there. I mean, they even have Hulk saying, "He's the only one who could take me down" before they make a plot to take Black Bolt down. I'm

World War Hulk…
Is definitely a B. Pak's work on the main title is certainly an A, though, and is as good as a superhero comic is going to get. I'd suggest reading Planet Hulk (which was on par with Annihilation) before you dig into WWH, in order to understand how the Hulk is no longer "out-classed" by guys like