
You can see Johnson's more blatant comedic side in his older web series, Nirvana The

This movie debunks it with Bond's parent's gravestones

This movie debunks it with Bond's parent's gravestones

I recognized Ricky obviously but I didn't realize it was all three til the credits

Someone has to make "Shit people coming up with more 'shit _____ says' say

He articulates negative opinions a lot better than Jeff (who is my idol). The only frequent guest who is a complete cancer is Alex Navarro

I enjoy Patrick's views on specific games like LA Noire, balances out Brad's love of all games.

I'm so disappointed that Leigh Alexander was not at the 2011 E3 jam session

I pray that the comments about the picture are less creepy then the ones about Todd's wife.

I liked how Brody's terrorist turn didn't start out with him getting a seat in the political office (only that the Vice-President would want him close when he announced his candidacy) and that they're only following through with this because it became an opportunity

Thoughts for next season:
A Talking Dog (who is a serial killer)!

Missed the most important one - Ghostwriter - "Attack of the Slime Monster"

Was definitely talking about shows in the vein of The Office

No tomorrow
Two for mo no

Superhero coverage
Would be more interested in Young Justice coverage

Sheldon and the Big Bang Gang
New Porn Parody

I'm doing it, my girlfriend made the hat for me so that investment worked out.