
Yeah, I'm thinking the situation wasn't as bad as they made it out. The judges have never ever shied away from noting crotch-related disasters. And no mention at all?!

Not to mention all that stuff about unicorns. Beyond annoying.

Yes! I had to rewind the DVR to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing. I look forward to it.

I like Daniel and was genuinely happy for his triumph this week, but the crying is starting to get to me too. Good thing he's not going to win the whole shebang; he would be so overwhelmed by emotion, he would not survive.

I hated seductive and temptress together; duh! Would love to see looks inspired by The Wise Ruby Dee…

I hated seductive and temptress together; duh! Would love to see looks inspired by The Wise Ruby Dee…

I must have a crush too ‘cos I’ve started wondering “What
would Dmitry say?” and imagining his deadpan observations in various life situations
(annoyingly inept co-worker, terrible restaurant service, delayed subway).

I must have a crush too ‘cos I’ve started wondering “What
would Dmitry say?” and imagining his deadpan observations in various life situations
(annoyingly inept co-worker, terrible restaurant service, delayed subway).

Also worthwhile: the goofy look on Kors' face when he was grinning and waving to babies on the runway. It was fun seeing the judges reduced to cooing softies.

Also worthwhile: the goofy look on Kors' face when he was grinning and waving to babies on the runway. It was fun seeing the judges reduced to cooing softies.

Congratulations, Mattman! Don't do anything we wouldn't do at the bachelor party…

Congratulations, Mattman! Don't do anything we wouldn't do at the bachelor party…

I don't know. As a kid growing up on Long Island, Christopher was probably taken into the city on occasion to see the Christmas show at Radio City (as I was) and just fell under the whole glamorous (for a kid) spell of skyscrapers, Art Deco Rockefeller Center and the incredibly synchronized Rockettes. I think his

I don't know. As a kid growing up on Long Island, Christopher was probably taken into the city on occasion to see the Christmas show at Radio City (as I was) and just fell under the whole glamorous (for a kid) spell of skyscrapers, Art Deco Rockefeller Center and the incredibly synchronized Rockettes. I think his

…but of course he totally deserved to go.

…but of course he totally deserved to go.

I'd watch The Dmitry Show; loved his exasperated (and unheeded) advice to Ven: "Leesen to Teem and poot some gleeter on it!"

I'd watch The Dmitry Show; loved his exasperated (and unheeded) advice to Ven: "Leesen to Teem and poot some gleeter on it!"

Couldn't be happier: Dmitry (finally, deservedly) won! And continues to crack me up with pithy comments. Also, Tim rocked this episode. I too was delighted when the judges called him out for a confab. Crazy!

Couldn't be happier: Dmitry (finally, deservedly) won! And continues to crack me up with pithy comments. Also, Tim rocked this episode. I too was delighted when the judges called him out for a confab. Crazy!