
Not everyone gets introduced to big topics normally. I am a big fan of Broadway shows. Know how I got introduced to them? Rita and Runt did "Le Mis" on Animaniacs. My mother heard it, understood it, giggled along with me, and when I was old enough, took me to see a local production of Le Mis and it sold it for me. Obi

I'm going to curl up in his sock drawer, and sleep for days…

@Thundaar: Yep. I remember the Contract with America too.

Was I the only one who always got the idea that Harley was kind of inspired - at least in part - by Fujiko from Lupin III? Same sort of build, same sass mouth, plays similar roles, ect.

Do you think…
By this point in the series, Alfred is at all shocked by nearly anything that Bruce brings home?

Bomb plots not your forte, Riddler? In Green Arrow 35 (See TPB: Green Arrow: City Walls) you held Star City at ransom with an atomic bomb. Only a completely unrelated supernatural threat (And the Arrow crew) stopped you from extorting 100 Million Dollars from the good people of Star City, you madman!

Some months ago, Kevin Smith was talking on his Podcast about his feelings re: the movie Fame, the original version he loved as a kid. I realized a lot of his feelings I had for Roundhouse. of course, no one remembers it except me and a few other nerds on the internet it seems.

Oh for my house it was "You Can't Do That on Television" my grandmother, whom I lived with, absolutely hated it. Banned me from it - not that she checked. She thought it was rude and disrespectful.

taalibba: Yes it does. It also is subversive. One joke the kids are acting like detectives, and Yakko asks Dot to "dust for Finger Prints". She misinterprets it as Prince, the singer. Yakko corrects her, "No no no, Finger Prints." She agains misinterprets, thinking he said "Finger Prince", as in the sexual act. She

I actually really liked Superman/Shazam! DVD they recently put out - four 20 minute segments with different DC Superheroes (Superman, Green Arrow, Jonah Hex and The Spectre), letting us see new animated versions of each. I especially liked the GA one, as I'm a huge mark of the character (at least, until that whole

Jim Aparo was the Batman artist whom I grew up with, reading Brave and the Bold. His Batman will always be the REAL Batman to me. Most younger fans might remember or have seen his work from A Death in the Family, the comic where Jason Todd is killed.

Not even slightly amusing Nygma. I'm going to find you and carve my name in the the back of your neck with an Icepick.

I'm Sad Nathan
didn't mention one of my favorite jokes in Simpsons canon in this episode. At the very end, everyone is looking at the Ulmec head, and Maggie stumbles over to Lisa, carrying a card which was a runner through this episode, with an Aztec symbol on it. Rather then realize "Dear God, this baby just made a

rootboy: You'd think Gambling Hobos would be a John Swartzwelder thing…

eh, I liked it. A lot. I'm not ashamed - it's an enjoyable piece of Holiday cinema. It can play for both Christmas and Halloween, it's cute, and I like the songs.

Not so much creeped out but questioning
I can't believe how this one turned out - Dr. Venture is kind of a, well, scum bag. A terrible person to a level I didn't expect. "She said she was 20" is the sort of thing a scum bag says in his position. It does make sense now what Dermot's mother was looking for at Rusty's

Nope. I actually found a VHS copy of it on ebay and made DVDs of it for all my friends.

A Christmas Story…
Has an even MORE obscure sequel.

Thank you for giving this show some credit! At it's best, it was as good as a soild Simpson's episode.

Definitely "What's Opera, Doc?". I know it's sentimental choice, but I grew up in a pretty generic family. My first exposure to great culture like Opera was, well, Looney Toons. And For a long time, my only. So it opened a door for me and I have always appreciated it.