
Prole Hole: Well, just FYI, the coffee and sugar were also there with pictures of tires. It wasn't there to add a racist concentration, it was there to show how mean she was. Remember, this was WWII, all those things - rubber, sugar and coffee - were not easily or freely available. There was severe rationing for the

It pleases me….
That McMahon's attempt to re-kiddie his product is falling on it's face, with flat/declining ratings and god-awful marketing. Ya can't pull back a show that airs at 9-11 PM to be for kids. Not to mention the genital electrocution torture. I'm not joking: http://shane-mcmahon.net/ga…

So is Ponyo a good piece for about a three year old? I love trying to find something to watch with my niece that doesn't make me want to rip my throat out on those rare times I get to watch her.

He and the other members of the Freedom Fighters were killed during the Infinite Crisis. Issue one if I recall right.

FidelAstro: Give yourself an idea of BillO…. go rent "V for Vendetta", the one based on the graphic novel from three or four years ago. The Prospero character was modeled directly on Bill o'Riley.

God, just give me…
…Ridiculously Old Fraud back. He was by far my favorite of the "Contestants", and had the best chance at some character growth.

Sorry, I gotta disagree about HHGTTG
Sorry friend I can't agree.

I'll agree, MSC1
I echo your frustration, MSC1. The show has a heck of a lot of good memories in reruns for me. My 25-year-old brother revels in the show, and growing up I got a lot of my sense of humor from the off-the-cuff delivery of Hawkeye. That kind of talk that can only come from a Hollywood writer, where

This is not that episode. Your thinking of "Absentia, Henry.", where the 4077's first CO, Henry Blake gets his points (in real life, there were no points until Vietnam, this was an out for the writers) and is sent home, only to be shot down on the helicopter on the way to Tokyo, and is killed, setting the stage