Emperor Norton

I notice that the 1995 appearance has some of the same old material we saw in the Marc Maron/Sarah Silverman ep earlier this season. Foreshadowing?

I once took my kid to an indoor play restaurant in LA, and Mark Wahlberg was sitting quietly in a corner texting while (I assume) his kid was off playing with the toys. To the day I die, one of my biggest regrets in life will always be not walking over and saying "Say hi to your mother for me"

I once took my kid to an indoor play restaurant in LA, and Mark Wahlberg was sitting quietly in a corner texting while (I assume) his kid was off playing with the toys. To the day I die, one of my biggest regrets in life will always be not walking over and saying "Say hi to your mother for me"

I know this isn't quite how this feature is supposed to work, but pleasepleaseplease get someone to talk about how awful "American Pie" is next!

I know this isn't quite how this feature is supposed to work, but pleasepleaseplease get someone to talk about how awful "American Pie" is next!

I didn't care that much for Lincoln. I would recommend Live From Golgotha, which is batshit crazy and surprisingly savvy for an old man talking about hackers in 1992

I didn't care that much for Lincoln. I would recommend Live From Golgotha, which is batshit crazy and surprisingly savvy for an old man talking about hackers in 1992

I in no way want to give any kudos to Romney, but I recently had to move to Salt Lake City, and do immensely enjoy the infrastructure benefits of those Olympics. A much better light-rail system than this republican stronghold ever would have approved a bond measure for, an overhauled stadium at the U, top-notch

I in no way want to give any kudos to Romney, but I recently had to move to Salt Lake City, and do immensely enjoy the infrastructure benefits of those Olympics. A much better light-rail system than this republican stronghold ever would have approved a bond measure for, an overhauled stadium at the U, top-notch

I immediately thought of those (ex-?)scientologists who walked into the ocean and drowned in New York(?). Do we know yet if that comes up in the film at all?

I immediately thought of those (ex-?)scientologists who walked into the ocean and drowned in New York(?). Do we know yet if that comes up in the film at all?

I'd toss in a little probability theory and game theory in there, too. Waitaminute - this is a game!

I'd toss in a little probability theory and game theory in there, too. Waitaminute - this is a game!

Correction: he received a $200,000 ransom. Rather than steal from the passengers and crew, he actually tipped the stewardess for his 2 drinks. That's one classy air pirate.

Correction: he received a $200,000 ransom. Rather than steal from the passengers and crew, he actually tipped the stewardess for his 2 drinks. That's one classy air pirate.

Well, I was being facetious about buying a new stereo, but the fact is that it will ultimately be necessary for your complaint to be solved: there is no way to get a podcast on an existing car stereo except to plug in a mobile audio device or burn things onto a CD. An internet-equipped car stereo will be a lot more

I don't see how much easier it needs to get:
1) buy a cord
2) Plug one end of the cord into your phone/ipod, the other into your aux outlet

d'oh - should have kept scrolling