Emperor Norton

Anyone remember Lala? The awesome music streaming service that this very website used to provide full-length previews of songs when reviewing albums and whatnot. And then Apple bought it for the sole purpose of putting it out of business. Not to make use of its 8 million-song library, not to to use its

I've been stuck in Salt Lake City for the last few years, and keep meaning to check out this Mormon movie scene. I saw one very horrible comedy when I first moved here (which my experimental-filmmaker-who-happens-to-be-Mormon friend instantly recognized as "Provo comedy"), but otherwise haven't gotten around to it.

To bring things back around, it was Zack's coverage of The Prisoner back in the relatively early days of TV Club that got me to watch that classic show, which I probably never would have checked out if there wasn't a contemporary discussion to engage with. TV Club Classic is a great example of how modern pop culture

Minor correction: Humans settled Australia before settling the Americas, Polynesia, or most of Eurasia (but they did get to parts of that earlier). Polynesia is the last place we settled, unless you count Antarctica.

Me. Someone needs to drunkenly tell the story of me. I was really disappointed they didn't cover it in the San Francisco ep, and am holding out hope they'll do a second visit (probably in season 3).

They ran what I assume is the first chapter of this in last month's Harper's, along with a brief career reflection by le Carré. Twas pretty good. Despite the only spy novel I've ever read being Declare by Tim Powers (cuz it also has djinn, and probably some Fisher King stuff, although I can't recall for sure), this

I recently showed the Frog/Lizard reenactment of the Fall of Tenochtitlan from this in one of my classes. I'm reasonably sure only half of the students were on some sort of drug.

The whole framing device with the Thuggees and the ring was a bit cringe-inducing when I saw it a few years ago, whereas when I first saw it 20-odd years ago it didn't even register. Calling it "deep deep racism" was hyperbolic, though - this wasn't Birth of a Nation or anything.

Yeah - I mean we have to listen to the whole damn album, including the boring instrumentals. But I also don't care for most of the vocal tracks, although I do love "Hey Bulldog". "It's All Too Much" gets a resounding meh from me, but mostly, though, the shittiness of "Only a Northern Song" taints everything around it.

When my daughter was 3, I netflixed Help! and let her watch it with me (having forgotten all about the deep deep racism in the premise). From that moment on, she has been a Beatles superfan, to the point of knowing not just ALL the songs, but who's singing on each song. And given kids' tendency to ask for the same

My heart skipped a beat when my "Louie" notification brought me here

My heart skipped a beat when my "Louie" notification brought me here

I think there are a couple of other white actresses you could have mentioned

I think there are a couple of other white actresses you could have mentioned

Networks seem to refer to them as "premiere"s. As in, the first time each individual episode airs is its premiere. Ironically, I've noticed this primarily from watching shows via Project Free TV, and noticed "premiere" shows up in the corner for the first few minutes of shows when I find the stream the day of airing,

Networks seem to refer to them as "premiere"s. As in, the first time each individual episode airs is its premiere. Ironically, I've noticed this primarily from watching shows via Project Free TV, and noticed "premiere" shows up in the corner for the first few minutes of shows when I find the stream the day of airing,

If you go to the main page of the Screaming Females blog, you can also see Jarrett's recent update, which features photos of the truly genius Toilet Sink, which I believe works by re-routing the water* that refills the tank when you flush to first come out of a faucet, let you quickly wash your hands, then go on to

If you go to the main page of the Screaming Females blog, you can also see Jarrett's recent update, which features photos of the truly genius Toilet Sink, which I believe works by re-routing the water* that refills the tank when you flush to first come out of a faucet, let you quickly wash your hands, then go on to

@avclub-85bd06050f1868adf468605465df26f8:disqus & @avclub-1d5f36370c7ddcd55c96c2fb6bd11ead:disqus : 90% is an underestimate - it's an exponential decay process. The peak oocyte supply is around 7 million at 5 months of gestation (4 month before being born). Women have already lost around 70% of those (down to 2